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Monday, September 05, 2005 

The Anne Milton for Shadow Cabinet campaign

And I quote: Anne believes that as a nurse and working mother, with nearly 30 years experience in the NHS and local government she brings a fresh approach to Conservative politics. She believes that many people are disillusioned with politicians and she is determined to show people that she can bring a new set of values and skills to Parliament.

'Many' people believe that she should have that chance... but she won't get far bitching from the back benches, as any MP will be able to tell you.

To really make a difference, Anne needs to be where the action is... and as the Tory leadership contest hots up, I propose that Anne's supporters put their money where their mouth is. In more ways than one:

Anne Milton for Shadow Cabinet!
Click here for an A4-sized poster!

The campaign is going to run a bit like Pop Idol... and by that I mean you'll need to suck up to the judges.

What you have to do is choose the one candidate you believe should (or could) replace Michael Howard as the next Tory leader, register your support for them via email, and also make it clear in that email why you think Anne should play a key role in their cabinet.

Key points you may wish to raise include:
- She's a nurse
- She's a mother
- She's a Scorpio

You may only choose one candidate, and you are only permitted to send one email.

You are not - repeat not - allowed to be naughty and make multiple pleas under a range of pseudonyms.

(Note - Should Anne make a public statement of support in favour of one candidate over another, then we will of course bow to her wisdom and instead focus the calls for a shadow cabinet position accordingly, and a second email will be permitted for each participant who chose the 'wrong' candidate.)

Ken Clarke - email clarkek@parliament.uk or use this contact page
David Davis - email davisd@parliament.uk or use this contact page
David Cameron - email camerond@parliament.uk or use this contact page
Liam Fox - email foxl@parliament.uk or use this contact page
Malcolm Rifkind - email rifkindm@parliament.uk or use this contact page




Anne has now thrown her weight behind David Davis Cameron, which means that you now need to send emails to him and him alone.

(Unless of course you wish to send emails to any of the other candidates to inform them that Anne Milton does not wish to form part of their shadow cabinet, as she is a woman of strong convictions, and any such offer would only embarrass her.)

David Cameron - email camerond@parliament.uk or use the contact details at his campaign website

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I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that Ms Milton looks a bit sexy in that picture...

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It's the rubber glove, isn't it?

Go on, you can admit it... we're all grown-ups here.

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And the black tights/stockings....

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I see no black tights or stockings...

I think perhaps your wishful thinking is getting in the way of sound judgement - or you're MAKING THINGS UP THAT SIMPLY AREN'T TRUE!!!!!

Oh, the shock of it all. I think I may have to go and lie down for a bit.


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I'm sure she can provide a rather 'Harold Shipman like' inspired service, flexing her nursing muscle to help alleviate the pensions crisis!

Hm, what will it be today Anne, another discreet diamorphine drip aka a day visit from Mr. Sleepy?

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