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Thursday, November 24, 2005 

Will Anne Milton sign Early Day Motion 1088?

EDM 1088 - CONDUCT OF GOVERNMENT POLICY IN RELATION TO THE WAR AGAINST IRAQ: That this House believes that there should be a select committee of seven honourable Members, being members of Her Majesty's Privy Council, to review the way in which the responsibilities of Government were discharged in relation to Iraq and all matters relevant thereto, in the period leading up to military action in that country in March 2003 and in its aftermath.

During the election campaign, Anne claimed to be angry about the Iraq war 'from the very beginning'.

Will she put her name to this motion?

If she does, will she do it early or will she hang back for a bit and see what other MPs do first?

[Note for the record: currently there are 6 signatures.]

25 Nov - 32 signatures today... Anne's isn't among them.
26 Nov - 45 signatures, no Milton
30 Nov - 59 signatures (15 of them Tory), no Milton

1 Dec - 69 signatures and.... Anne Milton's is one of them! I must admit that I'm pleasantly surprised (this brings Anne score up to 2 in my book). I honestly thought she wouldn't touch this EDM with a barge poll while the Tory leadership remained in question. Either Anne has grown a pair, or Guido is on the money when he says that Davis is all but buried.

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