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Monday, June 26, 2006 

Regarding Anne Milton's Wikipedia entry

The silly stuff mentioned in this earlier post is gone and I'm quite pleased about that, but - since the peeps at Anne Milton's office became aware of her entry at Wikipedia - they've found themselves unable to leave it alone.

One thing they appear to be overly-sensitive about is a link to this weblog that - having been in place and left undisturbed for some months - is now subject to repeated deletion.

Quick message for Anne: if you're going to censor and/or vanity-edit your Wikipedia entry, please do it in your own time, not at 2:35pm from inside the Houses of Parliament (when/where you are supposed to be Doing. Your. Job.)

(Oh, and a quick note for the record: I would regard the removal of this picture to be fair enough as it classifies as a factual correction. But I find it quite telling that the factually-incorrect phrase "Anne has been linked to many celebrities during her time in the public eye" was left undisturbed during this same edit. This edit I would also regard to be fair enough, but the IP address used and the edit history of the person involved would suggest that Amme has a close associate who works for the food manufacturers' lobby group the Food & Drink Federation. If the person involved is a really close associate, then perhaps this is something Anne might consider adding to her Register of Members' Interests when she finally gets around to updating it.)


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