Monthly Archives: January 2005

Thank you, ITV and George W Bush, for your gifts to democracy

Let me make it clear that I’m sure this would not be a major issue without the Tories jumping on the opportunity they saw following Mr Lowest Common Denominator’s win on ITV’s Vote For Me…. Independent – Labour plays its … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

The London Underground Song: now live with juicy Flash goodness!

OK, we’re clear to go live with this. I heard the song London Underground a few weeks ago and wasn’t surprised to see it bounce like mad around The Interwebs… but I did think it was a pity that it … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, UK General Election 2005 | 8 Comments

Eclectic link dump #5

I have a few things to share with you…. Avery Ant is running for Pope. I thought you should know. Cleaning coins with Cillit BANG! This comes to us via the latest B3ta newsletter, and contains vital consumer information. EPIC … Continue reading

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Daily Mail weeps for Holocaust victims

As they’ve always been champions of the rights of Jews, gays and gypsies, obviously…

Posted in Humanity | Comments Off on Daily Mail weeps for Holocaust victims

It’s the climate, stupid!

I almost forgot to plug this today; it’s kind of important… Global Warming: Framing the debate

Posted in Consume! | 1 Comment

Eclectic link dump #4

Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy! The army of beasts awakens! The End of days are upon us! And now you can prepare for your time in hell with Hieronymus Bosch action figures. Learn the truth about Bill Gates’ ‘teen beat’ photoshoot … Continue reading

Posted in Riding High on Blogdex | Comments Off on Eclectic link dump #4

The – now very real – prospect of house arrest at the order of Mr Rupert Murdoch

Seymour Hersh – “We’ve Been Taken Over by a Cult”: …the amazing thing is we are been taken over basically by a cult, eight or nine neo-conservatives have somehow grabbed the government. Just how and why and how they did … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The War on Stupid, Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Go on, cheer up – I dare you!

(sings) We’rrrrrre out of Pampers, oh no-ho! Lots of other Flash stuff on this site; some good, some bad. More Yeti nonsense (but nowt to do with Yetisports, by the looks of things). Spin your wheels for a bit. Dare … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects | Comments Off on Go on, cheer up – I dare you!

A great day for liberty and freedom

New York Times – Senate Panel Approves Gonzales on a Party-Line Vote: The Senate Judiciary Committee, divided along party lines over questions of torture and accountability, voted 10 to 8 on Wednesday in favor of Alberto R. Gonzales’s nomination as … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 2 Comments

Boris spiked!

Boris Johnson’s regular column does not appear in today’s Torygraph. Instead, we get to read about Michael Howard’s views on immigration. Charming, yes? Surprising, no? Click here to read or leave a comments on Boris’s weblog. UPDATE – Guardian – … Continue reading

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