Monthly Archives: February 2005

Rush it through! The threat is real and immediate!


Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Labour Posters: too easy to subvert

Sorry this took me so long… UPDATE – And here’s another. UPDATE – You may also want to check page 16 of the Star Wars Photoshopping Project for a new submission. UPDATE – Large version (will print onto A4) here.

Posted in Photoshopping | 3 Comments

Zach/Zack Exley now working full-time for Bush ally Blair

Independent – No 10 in new dirty tricks row over role of US ‘garbage man’: Labour has hired an American spin doctor known as the “garbage man” for publishing pictures doctored to show George Bush taking cocaine. The party faces … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 3 Comments

Tony Blair: what did he know and when did he first start lying about it?

Independent – New charge undermines Blair claims on Iraq war Independent – The Crawford Deal: did Blair sign up for war at Bush’s Texas ranch in April 2002? Hmm. How interesting that Blair knew this was coming and needed a … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 2 Comments

Alan Milburn blog gets blogged for not blogging

Political apathy? Not any more, chum. :o) Alan Milburn Blog in the national press. Again. What a lovely little heart-starter. Well done, Mike.

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Channel 4: torture season

Clive Stafford-Smith – Torture is rife because our leaders encourage it (requires subscription): Top brass such as Tony Blair and George Bush indignantly condemn abuses, yet it is no coincidence that torture is rife in the rank and file. It … Continue reading

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Tony Blair and me; we’re mates, we are

Pwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I just got what I think I can safely assume is an automated response from the Labour Party, thanking me for the question I sent Tony Blair and telling me that I can read the transcript of Blair’s close-encounter … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 4 Comments

Backing Blair – funding update

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… it would appear that we now have the funds required to get our first mobile billboard on the streets. :o) There will be a short delay whilst we arrange and finalise the first transfer … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 4 Comments

The Sun: curious coincidences and warped priorities

You may recall that the Osbournes got robbed the last time (almost) everybody was talking about security measures and the legal advice given for the invasion of Iraq (November 22 and 23 2004) but I’m *pretty* sure The Sun doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The War on Stupid, Tony 'King Blair, UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on The Sun: curious coincidences and warped priorities

MPs: the public needs to know they *can* engage

OK, I see the problem. I also think that we can fix it. If more MPs had websites that were more interactive (and by that, I mean open, two-way and communicative) then we might just stand a chance of breaking … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments