Monthly Archives: March 2005

Recommended reading

Mother Jones – Inside Terry Jones’s War on the War on Terror: Instead of treating it as a crime – which is what they should have done, getting the FBI and Interpol and everybody onto it – they’ve elevated it … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | Comments Off on Recommended reading

Jerry Springer: sticking a fork in it

Guardian – BBC rejects Springer complaints: BBC governors rejected a record 63,000 complaints from viewers over the decision to broadcast Jerry Springer – The Opera yesterday, prompting renewed criticism from offended Christian and “decency” campaigners. The governors’ programme complaints committee … Continue reading

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Take a look at what Robin just spotted…. It may not last long, so enjoy it while you can. PS – The Rules still apply.

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 7 Comments

Seeing as you’re not busy….

I’d like to introduce you chaps and chapettes to a site I’ve been involved with on and off for a while now… StoryCode. What this site does is make book recommendations based not on genre or buying preferences, but on … Continue reading

Posted in Inneresting | 1 Comment

The careful application of pressure stems bleeding

A heads-up via… Independent – Labour MPs to fight on anti-war ticket: Labour MPs who opposed the Iraq war are to defy Tony Blair by making it a key “issue of trust” at the general election expected on 5 … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | 2 Comments

Eclectic link dump #9

Watch this. Pause. *Then* read this. This is funny. This isn’t. (This is mildly amusing, though.) Christian Voice begs for cash. Here are some lip-syncing tips for Flash animation. The voices! The voices! Look! A squirrel! I had a play … Continue reading

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Corrupt, inept, and still in power

New York Times – Panel’s Report Assails C.I.A. for Failure on Iraq Weapons: The final report of a presidential commission studying American intelligence failures regarding illicit weapons includes a searing critique of how the C.I.A. and other agencies never properly … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | Comments Off on Corrupt, inept, and still in power

Well, that saves me a lot of time

I was going to a do a linkish round-up of all the Tory Fear articles and opinions, but Robin beat me to it: – Labour In. Blair Out. Well, all that leaves me to do is throw an extra … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2005 | Comments Off on Well, that saves me a lot of time

Boris meets Wibbler – and other matters

Simon Stacpoole, aka Boriswatch, at Westminster Boris, Blogs and a Chinese… There’s a blink-and-you-miss-it reference in that first link to me moving on to pastures new. (See!? It’s all about me!) Yes, ’tis true. I have a pretty solid client … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Backing Blair – Video III now live

Video III isn’t ready yet. Well, the Video III that I describe here isn’t ready yet. This is: Backing Blair III – Political Debate (Flash – 1Mb – NSFW audio) If you’ve ever watched Blair and Howard bitch and snipe … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects, UK General Election 2005 | 1 Comment