This entry was posted on
Wednesday, May 18th, 2005 at
9:57 am and is filed
under The War on Stupid, Uzbekistan.
News of Kylie Minogue’s breast cancer tragedy preceded an item on the emerging body count in Uzbekistan on ITV news last night. That pleased me greatly.
Today Kylie is on almost every front page and The Scum have close to a dozen pages of coverage and analysis.
Poor Kylie. Poor, brave Kylie.
By Scaryduck May 18, 2005 - 10:42 am
A rather more cynical (female) media analyst I spoke to today commented “Poor Kylie – the only woman in the world to have breast cancer”. A rather opportune smokescreen to cover all that naty stuff about ID cards…Also: note the number of media outlets already referring to her in the past tense.
By Andrew May 18, 2005 - 2:36 pm
Our man in Sydney on BBC breakfast even announced her death, although I’m sure he meant to say cancer. It was quite bizarre.
By Martin Stabe May 18, 2005 - 4:34 pm
News values
If you live in Britain, you couldn’t have missed it, because it was on all the front pages, including the Guardian: cheese pop singer Kylie Minogue has breast cancer. Minogue’s cancer story is hardly unique, and I guess any peg…
By Indigo Jo Blogs May 18, 2005 - 11:04 pm
So, Kylie’s got cancer
Last week Crooked Timber noted how the BBC reported the possible disappearance of 300 African children from British schools underneath a report on the buyout of Man Utd by Malcolm Glazer. This week it’s Kylie Minogue’s breast cancer.Man…
By Shane McCracken May 19, 2005 - 9:48 am
Don;t be so hard on this story. After all breast cancer killed 13,000 women in Britain in 2002. being diagnosed with it simply highlights that it is a killer of young women as well who don’t check as often as medical experts would recommend. Don’t be down on the story just because it involves a celebrity.
By Manic May 19, 2005 - 7:02 pm
So what you’re saying is that we need to get Tony Hadley out to Uzbekistan and in the front line ASAP.
By Shane McCracken May 19, 2005 - 9:39 pm
Graham Norton might be better?