Monthly Archives: June 2005

Iran? Next? Noooooo…..

Here’s a lovely trigger. Let’s all blow our brains out… FUXNews – Ex-Hostages: Iran’s President Was Captor: Five Americans who were held for more than a year in the hostage crisis believe that (Iran’s President-elect) Ahmadinejad was one of their … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

We tolerated it… we *paid* for it

I tell you, it’s a crying shame that the courts; “(have) no power to make any decision or interfere in any way in which taxes are spent”… because I’m a taxpayer and I’m fucking *ropeable* that my government spent 175k … Continue reading

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Fear what is foreign, love what is new (and good for you, too)

Europhobia – Blair government – yet more bullshit scaremongering: Bunch of opportunistic bastards. This is precisely the sort of thing which leads to increased racial tension and suspicion. It’s irresponsible and cynical, designed merely to build support for a stupid … Continue reading

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The exclusion zone – a loophole

Will Brian Haw be the only person who is allowed to demonstrate in Parliament Square without prior permission?

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Wahhh! You’re making me look bad in front of Osama!

Please pardon the link-dump. I have to see a little man about a red-and-yellow car… Bush evokes 9/11 to bolster Iraq war Bush Criticized Over Speech About Iraq War President Bush’s Speech About Iraq Deception, Denial, and Demagoguery: Bush Speech … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

Harry’s Place, Harry’s rules, Harry’s values

Harry is having a rough old time. He decided yesterday to propose a new regime of registration and banination, mainly because (in my view) he and his chums are having a hard time defending the indefensible. Now, there’s nowt wrong … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

The very best intelligence

NBC – Bogus analysis led to terror alert in Dec 2003: CIA analysts mistakenly thought they’d discovered a mother lode of secret al-Qaida messages. They thought they had found secret messages on Al-Jazeera, the Arabic-language television news channel, hidden in … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Wow! Cake *and* ice-cream!

Vote? What vote? Oh, you needn’t worry about these silly little details. Look, kids! Fireworks! No, seriously. We just happened to schedule this when there was a ruddy great show on in Portsmouth Harbour. What are the odds, eh? Anyway, … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Big and hairy, big and scary

King Kong – the trailer! While you’re in a ‘big and hairy’ mood, Anna Nolan (you may remember her from BB1) has been doing a series of (ahem) interesting documentaries for BBC3 including this one on furries (it’s 40Mb; wide-pipers … Continue reading

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Bloggerheads 5th most-linked UK weblog

Again. Not bad, considering I had to almost double the number of inbound links just to maintain that position. Now all I have to do is earn it all over again. Something’s cooking…

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