Monthly Archives: September 2005

Eclectic link dump #15

Stephen Green – the self-proclaimed ‘National Director’ of Christian Voice (i.e. one man in a shed with maybe a thousand newsletter subscribers) was on Question Time last night. He said many ridiculous things but, most importantly of all, he established … Continue reading

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Tony Blair provokes terrorism

Blair has done all he can to stifle discussion and debate on his Iraq policy during the Labour Party Conference… con.fer.ence: 1. A meeting for consultation or discussion. 2. An exchange of views. I.raq: 1. A country of southwest Asia. … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Shell shirts

You must buy a skull-shirt and you must do it now.

Posted in Consume! | 2 Comments

Ask Tony Blair a Question II

Ask Tony at the Labour Party Conference 2005 Well, we know only carefully-worded questions that he has an answer to will be chosen, but perhaps you would care to take part anyway… just to show Tony what’s on the mind … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Call for juice

All hail the Shagmaster General!

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

A few words on the 3-ring conference

Tony Blair can’t be waited out, or smoked out… he needs to be thrown out. It’s nothing personal; it’s just that this action needs to be taken to prevent someone else thinking they can take the same actions, make the … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments

Liberty and Peace March – this Saturday

Demonstration, Saturday September 24 Assemble 12 noon – Parliament Square March begins 1pm Rally in Hyde Park follows More info (and maps) at I’ll be the fella handing these out —> Also, do keep an eye out for those … Continue reading

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I can almost hear Jack Straw holding his breath and hoping this works

Independent – Uzbekistan puts 15 ‘terrorists’ on trial for Andijan atrocity: Human rights campaigners claimed that up to 700 mostly unarmed civilians were mown down indiscriminately by Uzbek security forces anxious to clamp down on an anti-government demonstration which had … Continue reading

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Head-ups all political bloggers and elected officials

If you’re a political blogger or an elected official (preferably with blogging experience), I’d welcome any public or private feedback on the following preview of the Westminster seminar: Political blogging seminar preview (on the subject of potential abuse of your … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

Some viewing for tonight

The Ambassador’s Last Stand Wed 21 Sep, 7:00 pm – 7:50 pm Yet another example of BBC bias. They clearly have no respect for our government’s right to turn a blind eye to Islam Karimov’s wholly necessary use of torture … Continue reading

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