The queen of denial can kiss my asp

This entry was posted on
Sunday, February 26th, 2006
1:26 pm and is filed
under Tony ‘King Blair.

Tony Blair – I don’t destroy liberties, I protect them: There is a charge, crafted by parts of the right wing and now taken up by parts of the left, that New Labour is authoritarian, in particular, that I am. We are intent on savaging British liberties, locking up those who dissent and we abhor parliamentary or other accountability.

It’s a vast right-wing conspiracy?

Oi! That’s my line!

Compare and contrast with; New law protects the right to protest.

More here… – Liberty? You have no idea how lucky you are

UPDATE – Mr Liberty’s bleat receives a thorough and well-deserved fisking over at BlairWatch

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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