I hope someone’s paying attention…

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, April 18th, 2006
10:53 am and is filed
under Search Engine Optimisation, The Political Weblog Movement, Tony ‘King Blair.

Guardian – Ignore bloggers at your peril, say researchers: Bloggers and internet pundits are exerting a “disproportionately large influence” on society, according to a report by a technology research company. Its study suggests that although “active” web users make up only a small proportion of Europe’s online population, they are increasingly dominating public conversations and creating business trends. More than half of the internet users on the continent are passive and do not contribute to the web at all, while a further 23% only respond when prompted. But the remainder who do engage with the net – through messageboards, websites and blogs – are helping change the national conversation, say researchers.

One major reason that we have this influence can be seen below the fold.

This is to be expected:

Actually, so is this:

But this is pretty darn special:

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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