Monthly Archives: May 2006

Sweet FA – I Am An England Fan (the doubly unofficial World Cup single)

A few short months ago, I heard for the first time Sweet FA’s I Am An England Fan – the one and only single that truly deserves to be this year’s unofficial World Cup Anthem. I immediately volunteered to get … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects | 4 Comments

Prepare to dial

Your chance to call Alastair Campbell

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | Comments Off on Prepare to dial

Why are these men being victimised?

I’m sorry, but I fail to see the difference between the incident in Haditha and the retaliatory measures against Iraq following September 11 (1,2,3,4). These soldiers appear to have followed the implied mandate to the letter; if they’re to be … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on Why are these men being victimised?

This man does not speak for me

Galloway: Bombing Blair ‘justified’ (via) (Please keep this clear stance in mind whenever I declare my wish to see Tony Blair’s head on a spike. I will, of course, be speaking figuratively.)

Posted in Humanity | Comments Off on This man does not speak for me

The devil is in the detail

A juicy nugget from the Labour Party campaign return. Given that it’s one tiny entry on one page among well over 2,000 documents, I’m not surprised the (pooled) journalists missed it. We’re going to do a bit of a fundraising … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | Comments Off on The devil is in the detail

New Statesman New Media Awards 2006

I’m really not sure how I’m going to approach the 2006 New Statesman New Media Awards. I remain convinced that their decision non-decision last year (1, 2) was a deliberate snub (especially because they made a point of pressing Boris … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Something worth finding out

Who decides when London’s traffic cameras should be turned away from embarrassing scenes and/or switched off altogether when a demonstration is in progress… and on what authority?

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment

Police: trouble with numbers

The Met certainly have difficulty when it comes to math. Like when a million people turn up to a peace march and they claim only 100,000 were there. Or when 50 or so police turn up to shut down a … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments

Enron verdict… at last!

CNN – Ex-CEO and founder convicted on fraud and conspiracy charges in Enron case: Enron former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling and founder Kenneth Lay were found guilty Thursday of conspiracy and fraud in the granddaddy of all corporate fraud cases. … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | Comments Off on Enron verdict… at last!


Just in case you’re interested… I’m just rumbled Anne Milton on a clear conflict of interest. She’s taken a public stand against the amalgamation of five local PCTs… without telling the public that her husband holds one of five positions … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | Comments Off on Bus-ted!