Monthly Archives: July 2006

Blair’s Israel/Lebanon policy

(Posted to b3ta.) Related: Guardian – Cabinet in open revolt over Blair’s Israel policy

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One of our passports is missing

Go. Do. EDIT : No need. Stand down. Job done. Beers all round. Be well. Back soon. Promise. (Psst! Best thing ever. Share.) UPDATE – Hooray for visual aids.

Posted in Updates | 1 Comment

Independent newspaper lashes out at independent publishers

For some reason the Independent is having a go at bloggers… The fragrantly-hyphenated Janet Street-Porter kicked things off yesterday with this charming piece: Janet Street-Porter – Editor-At-Large: Blog off… You don’t want to know what I weigh today (do you?) … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 13 Comments

Oh, well *done* Jack

You’re all familiar with Jack Straw. Brave man. Not afraid to speak out or stand up for what’s right. Right? Read. Sign.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

It’s Good News Week

Two tasty links for you: Newt Gingrich peddling this ‘third world war’ crap in Comment Is Free. A selection of quotes from the the Rapture Ready / End Times forum.

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Best. Front. Page. Ever.

What a blinder. (Related article here.) By contrast, the people over at The Sun appear to be well off their game. If they had any self-respect, they’d be running this image under the headline ‘GOTCHA’. UPDATE: Spread the word…. EMERGENCY … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 1 Comment

Direct to the nav-bar

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the interwebs… Simon Carr.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 9 Comments

You look like you need cheering up

Unlax. The Vader Sessions will make your day. (No? OK, how about you go jump, then…?) UPDATE – See also: Star Trek sings Knights of the Round Table. Lots more of this kind of thing here.

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Are you ready for more red-hot sofa lovin’…? are now offering you a chance to get into The Guinness Book of World Records… and all you have to do is sit on your arse. Oh, and maybe steer a bit. How does that grab you? :o) (Psst! … Continue reading

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What’s that up on the road… a head?

It’s all about timing folks…. Guardian – United States to Israel: you have one more week to blast Hizbullah: The US is giving Israel a window of a week to inflict maximum damage on Hizbullah before weighing in behind international … Continue reading

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