Monthly Archives: August 2006

Hooray for hysteria

BBC – Arabic T-shirt sparks airport row: An architect of Iraqi descent has said he was forced to remove a T-shirt that bore the words “We will not be silent” before boarding a flight at New York. Raed Jarrar said … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 5 Comments

Tony Blair owes me £2000

Tch! It’s the day before my planned protest in Parliament Square, I’ve got my placard ready, the pamphlets are all printed and trimmed… but I haven’t heard a peep from the Met about my application. [Insert SFX of phone call … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Shhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet…

Stuff’s happening, but I’m not at liberty to comment. But I am free to say that – while all of this has been going on – there’s been a renewed attempt to ‘cleanse’ Anne Milton’s Wikipedia entry including a number … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 4 Comments

A conveniently-timed and carefully-framed admission

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ‘debate’ the President of the United States…. George W. Bush Press Conference – August 21, 2006 THE PRESIDENT: You know, I’ve heard this theory about everything was just fine until we arrived, and … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 1 Comment


Chicken Yoghurt – Community cohesion: Kelly falls at the first Europhobia – The politics of hope (but mostly fear) – Rise of the spineless fuckwits BSSC – Politice Craig Murray – “Murder in Samarkand” confiscated by Luton airport security … Continue reading

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Guildford Conservative smears (in a nutshell)

Here’s the short version for newcomers and those with short attention spans: Since starting a weblog about my local MP (Anne Milton), I have been attacked online on a regular basis (both openly and anonymously) by two local Conservative campaigners, … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 4 Comments

Possible email fraud

A little job for all users of Bloggerheads: It has come to my attention that a fraudulent Gmail account may have been set up in my name. Do me favour and check your Inboxes for any emails from ireland.t AT … Continue reading

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The Final Straw

Last night ‘Jonesy’ (aka Mike Chambers) made a further update to his paedo-smear weblog. The content is of little significance; what really matters here is that he obviously feels untouchable, sheltered as he is by the Tories that surround him. … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 5 Comments

Dennis Paul is busy covering his tracks

Ahahahahahaha! Since the post with proof of Mike Chamber’s involvement went live, Dennis Paul’s weblog has gone live with three more anonymous comments. Dennis has also taken the precautionary measure of removing the link to his main website – … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 8 Comments

Perhaps now we’ll see some action…

This is a copy of another email I’ve just sent to relevant parties attached to Anne Milton’s office, Conservative Central Office, and the Learning & Skills Council regarding the antics of Dennis Paul and/or Mike Chambers (my earlier email can … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 5 Comments