Monthly Archives: October 2006

Back to the Batcave

I’m disappearing from view for a time and leaving you only with this message. With the exception of the beta release of the Labour campaign return, some general housekeeping and an extra video release or two, I’m unlikely to post … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 6 Comments

Pardon my cynicism

1. A cash bonus for troops and troops-arriving-safely-home-to-media-event bracketing Our Glorious Leader’s return to the Commons? Let’s just say that it raised an eyebrow. 2. More cack on the floor… Blair’s Blue Peter stunt happily happened to coincide with the … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments

Speaking of homophobic nitwits…

Take a look at this video of highlights from David Cameron’s conference speech. Go about halfway through (i.e to 2:30 onwards), listen to Cameron declare his support for civil partnerships and then watch the audience react to this. All done? … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | Comments Off on Speaking of homophobic nitwits…

Prepare the sick-bags

There’s a lot about the Mark Foley / Congressional page scandal that requires scrutiny and discussion, starting with the initial post on this weblog that led to a series of responses (1, 2, 3) that led to the initial ABC … Continue reading

Posted in George W. Bush | 1 Comment

Boy, it’s a good thing the Tories hired an ‘expert’…

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Sack Parliament

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | Mainstream media pics Guardian – Heavy police presence greets anti-war protest This Is Local London – 38 arrested at Parliament protest BBC – Arrests after Westminster protest 1. Tch! Where are they going … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | Comments Off on Sack Parliament


Guardian – The moment North Korea became a nuclear player BBC – North Korea ‘nuclear test’ condemned BBC – North Korea ‘facing tough measures’ Rupert Cornwell – America is stretched in the war on terror, and its options over Pyongyang … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | Comments Off on Boom.


Independent – Campbell unspun: Spin-doctor reveals battle with depression: Alastair Campbell, one of the chief architects of New Labour and Tony Blair’s trusted communications chief, has revealed for the first time the depths of his struggle with depression – and … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 1 Comment

Cock: we love it!

Rupert Murdoch’s Sun ‘news’ paper has – not once, but twice – on the eve of an election informed voters that what really matters when you cast your ballot is cock size. Also, today, only Murdoch’s titles lead with the … Continue reading

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David Cameron: the final word

Forget all that broadsheet chatter… today’s Page 3 girl has delivered her verdict on David Cameron: Danni (19, from Conventry) thinks that “David’s Cameron’s” [sic] first keynote speech as Tory leader showed promise, but – after pausing to have ice-cubes … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 1 Comment