Monthly Archives: January 2007

Dear Party Animals and Village Vermin… bite me

The only thing worse than a piss-weak joke is a badly-judged one… witness the disaster that is Village Vermin. Ministry of Truth – Village Vermin: What a complete bag of shit! Look, read the disclaimer, run a WHOIS on the … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 12 Comments

The Scum: yesterday’s bold front page

How grateful I am that Obsolete has already said what need to be said, and said it so well: Obsolete – Scum-watch: Two faces, one day Well worth a read. Go make coffee, come back and dig in. All I … Continue reading

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FOX News Lite on its first major mission

Oh goodie. Paul Staines: Iain Dale has a piece on Doughty Street TV tonight about the Smith Institute which explains why they should lose their charitable status. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know why this is the very definition … Continue reading

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Our attic has recently been subjected to a cleansing, the like of which has rarely been seen outside of a comments thread hosted by Paul Staines. Found in one dark and dusty corner was an old issue of Private Eye… … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 3 Comments

Googlebombs ‘fixed’

Google Webmaster Central – A quick word about Googlebombs SearchEngineWatch – Googlebombs Defused Big Mouth Media – Google defuse the Google bomb 1. It’s a shame that the ‘liar’ result has gone; that started at Bloggerheads and it was one … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 8 Comments

A difference of opinion

The Scum – You are undie surveillance: Officials are bracing themselves for a storm of public outrage over their controversial X-ray cameras scheme. As part of the most shocking extension of Big Brother powers ever planned here, lenses in lampposts … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs | 3 Comments

Policy Exchange

Ministry of Truth – Guido, The Smith Institute and the Think Tank he’s not writing about: Paul Staines, who blogs under the psedonym ‘Guido Fawkes’ has recently run a series of typically snide posts about a registered charity, The Smith … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Wakey wakey

“A few years ago the debate was about whether the media controlled politicians or whether politicians controlled the media. Now it is about how we are all responding to the explosive power of citizens, consumers and bloggers.” – Gordon Brown … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments Off on Wakey wakey

I’ve been laughing out loud for the last half-hour

Click here to find out why. (Oh, and here’s an unrelated treat for new readers who don’t know what the hell the previous link is all about. You deserve a good laugh, too.) UPDATE – Oh, go on… have another. … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | Comments Off on I’ve been laughing out loud for the last half-hour


Blast! Plugged this, but forgot to blog it; Which French Stereotype Are You? Words by me, illustrations by the most-excellent mushybees. Sure, it’s work… but it aims to raise a point, and some laughs. Enjoy.

Posted in Search Engine Optimisation | 5 Comments