I hate being jerked around by jerks

This entry was posted on
Wednesday, February 21st, 2007
12:32 pm and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement.

Ahahahahahahaha! Check out the size of that ego!

I wasn’t sure if that was real until I saw Beau Bo D’Or making fun of the same ad series while giving ‘Guido’ a nudge over his image-leeching.

And speaking of image theft

This morning Iain Dale used a photoshop of mine for this ‘hilarious’ post. He then apologised and delivered a picture credit after claiming that he didn’t know it was mine.

If you’re at all familiar with the Beau Bo D’Or Vs. EMAP/Zoo affair, you’ll be aware that the most common excuse newspapers/magazines offer for nicking other people’s stuff is that “it was sent in anonymously by email”… and, as you may have guessed, this is often an outright lie.

Well, my goodness…have a look at what Iain Dale has to say for himself here (oh, and ‘Guido’, too).

Open letter time…

Dear Iain,

To save you time and effort, I’m going to make the issue of permission very easy for you:

You no longer have permission to use any of my work on your website.

I, however, reserve the right to lift what I damn well please from your website or Flickr account and satirise the hell out of it (1, 2)… not least because of this little collection.

Now get the hell off my coat-tails, you loser.

Tim Ireland

PS – Beware, little man… my patience grows thin and my Kung Fu is stronger than yours:

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Wolf Solent's avatar

Wolf Solent · 939 weeks ago

I notice a few things of interest here - most excitingly, this:http://www.flickr.com/photos/iaindale/159922010/i...Call me an awful namby-pamby PC bullyboy, but I was kind of under the impression that a lot of people - quite a lot of them British - died as a result of the tsunami that Iain appears to find so hilarious. "TORY WANNABE MOCKS OUR TSUNAMI DEAD"... I wonder how that would play with the electorate?
Iain wasn't making fun of tsunami victims... in fact, he just now had to look up the word 'tsunami' in his dictionary.

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