Monthly Archives: March 2007

Q: Why did ‘Guido’ fail so spectacularly on Newsnight?

A: Because he didn’t have his usual team of anonymous bullies there to fight his battles for him. NSFW audio. Share and enjoy with caution.

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Now remember, children; Stop Cyberbullying Day is about standing up to bullies and standing up for their victims. It is not designed as a propaganda device for bullies* who play the victim when someone stands up to them. (*The same … Continue reading

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Listen to BBC Radio 4… now!

A busy day today… this managed to sneak up on me… sorry for the late notice (but there is a ‘listen again’ feature on the BBC page linked below). Remember Red Nose Day vs. SOCPA? Well, I can now reveal … Continue reading

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‘Guido’ on Newsnight

Fresh from my keyboard to your screens… come and get it! Guido Fawkes’ (Paul Staines) on Newsnight: Video and Transcript

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Ready to download?

The CCTV (or whoever they are) have run out of time. Download options will be with you shortly. UPDATE – Atomic batteries to power… turbines to speed… Matt Wardman is kindly hosting versions of the video that he downloaded, plus … Continue reading

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Too bad it’s not a call-in show…

Will Paul Staines masturbate live on Newsnight tonight?

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Iain Dale has some funny ideas about moderation

Recently, Iain Dale declared that; “If people abuse the hospitality or insult other users their comments will be deleted without explanation.” However, it soon became clear that what he really meant was; “If people abuse the hospitality or insult any … Continue reading

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Sweep the leg!

B3ta’s current image challenge is to bring two or more movies together. One of my entries, ‘Billy the Karate Kid’, resulted in a response including the following link that all Karate Kid fans should enjoy (if they haven’t done so … Continue reading

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The ‘Staines and Dale’ show continues

Hi folks. All the action is over here, here, here and here today… and a fifth post will soon follow. Enjoy.

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Teh Removal

As expected, the (alleged) originators of the ‘teaching kids to be gay’ video went direct to YouTube, who folded faster than Robert Lang on speed (for reasons that should be obvious). YouTube even removed a clear example of parody covered … Continue reading

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