So who’s in Blair’s farewell video?

This entry was posted on
Friday, June 15th, 2007
3:01 pm and is filed
under Tony ‘King Blair.

Blair’s farewell video is almost finished and the final touches are being added today and tomorrow. I plan to go live on Monday morning.

To tide you over until then, here’s some background to the video, a run-down of the cast and why each primary cast member features in the farewell:

Goodybe, Tony Blair: The Primary Cast

The first thing you’ll note is a return to the Terrance and Phillip style of animation that first appeared in Political Debate (NSFW audio), the 3rd video for Backing Blair and in two later appeals for Labour to sort out the Blair problem, the post-2005-election Not Over By a Long Shot and the pre-2006-election Don’t Vote Labour.

One of the main reasons for this is that I wanted to cram the worst excesses of this government into two minutes, and some key sequences from Not Over By a Long Shot were worth repeating. Also, the block-like figures are easy to animate and as cute as the dickens when dancing… and there’s lots of dancing in the first two minutes.

What is also repeated from Not Over By a Long Shot is an unexpected Part II that follows the all-singing all-dancing two minutes of excess… but you’ll have to wait until Monday to find out more about that.


Now, onto the cast…

With Blair finally on the way out, I wanted to make a little feature about the list of people I did not expect to see in government again (apart from the departing lying, torturing, murdering bastard, that is). A little ‘leave off the shopping list’ for Brown, basically. The video grew from there.

That list and the reasons why Brown will be taking the piss if he has any of these bastards in his cabinet follows:

David Blunkett – Willing servant of the tabloid press. Enough said.

Charles Clarke – Appears only briefly in the video to mark his major contribution to our democracy. He also has an Iain-Dale-like tendency to fly off the handle and scream ‘insult’ when faced with questions he has worked ever-so-hard to avoid, and his deep respect for members of the public who do not agree with him is also covered during his 4-second appearance.

Geoff Hoon – Claimed to be unaware of the inaccurate nature of to the ’45-minute’ claim repeated in certain newspapers, as he was out of the country at the time. Also failed to notice or object to the use of not-quite-napalm in Iraq… presumably because he was not in the country at the time. Claimed that the dehumanising (and illegal) policy of hooding was a simple whoopsie. Followed this up by being as helpful as possible during the European rendition enquiry. Sergeant_Schultz has nothing on this guy, but – like Clarke – he only appears long enough to re-enact his greatest achievement.

John Reid – A gutless thug and manipulator of terrorism.

Jack Straw – Torture? What torture?

There are also some special guest stars (some of whom are very special indeed), but I don’t want to spoil any surprises.

The video will be released on Monday morning. Get your jazz-hands ready.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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Tease.Anyway, we're far more interested in the soundtrack.

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