Monthly Archives: August 2007

Mandela in Parliament Square for unveiling of statue and veiling of dissent

Tch. Now if all Ken wanted to do was sanitise Parliament Square ahead of Mandela’s visit, why did none of these major media names report that at the time? Only Indymedia had it. Was Ken keen to keep it low-key … Continue reading

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The return of the eclectic linkdump

– Bid farewell to Brenda, raiser of tough birds. – Septicisle on Jeremy Paxman’s comments on the media and the death of Rhy Jones. Long, but worth it. Via CuriousHamster, who also has this small concern about the impact of … Continue reading

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Some people are stupid, others merely wish to be

AP – Finnish Boy Fined for YouTube Video: HELSINKI, Finland – A 15-year-old schoolboy was fined Friday for posting a video on YouTube showing a karaoke performance of his teacher and for claiming she was a lunatic. And by the … Continue reading

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Support the freelancers

Alternet – Flush with Profits from the Iraq War, Military Contractors See a World of Business Opportunities: If you think the U.S. has only 160,000 troops in Iraq, think again. With almost no congressional oversight and even less public awareness, … Continue reading

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Bunny-boiler invents stalker to help cement imagined relationship

Finally, Holy Moly coughs up something interesting (the highlight is mine): You may have read the article last week, Blur star’s stalker hell, in which a woman was cautioned by police for stalking Graham Coxon of Blur fame. The paper … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Last chance, Tory chancers

Quite often you’ll see some of these new(ish) Tory bloggers flapping their lips about how the right dominates the blogosphere, and that’s because they have the most interesting things to say, and Labour can’t hope to challenge them in an … Continue reading

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Asa Bailey continues ‘Conservative’ campaign

Marketing Week – Tory rebels under fire over ‘happy slapping’ viral ads: The campaign, created by viral production house Asa Bailey, uses real mobile footage to “demonstrate the darker sides of life in modern Britain” under Labour. Asa Bailey, founder … Continue reading

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And over here to your right….

Baptists for Brownback – A White Feather For The Cowardly British If you doubt this is satire (it can be so hard to tell these days), check out the fine-print or the U.S.E. campaign from the same site. The abortion … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 5 Comments

More data on the Tory Sock-Puppet of the Week

I thought we got just a little bit lucky when Google cached this snapshot of Nich Starling’s tracking data from and decided to keep it for a few days. You can see from the screen capture below that it … Continue reading

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Forever twirling, *twirling* toward freedom

The Tories have been back and forth on this hospital thing for quite some time now, and we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the new Shadow Minister for Health. Not so much as a distant cry has reached the … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 4 Comments