Monthly Archives: October 2007


1. Craig Murray – A Dark, Dark Place: I cannot believe Alisher Saipov is dead. When last I saw him he can only have been 23 years old, and was so brimming with energy, life and optimism. Now at 26 … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 5 Comments

Nadine Dorries to turn into pumpkin shock

Some chap called Peter has announced on the Nadine Dorries weblog (semi-functional permalink here) that; “Nadine will be blogging at one minute past midnight, there is a reason why!” If you don’t know why this might (stress might) be of … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 3 Comments

Andrew Quah: wah-wah-wahhhhh

Just when you thought that no-one could possibly compete with Grant Shapps in the ‘most excruciating online foul-up followed by poorest excuse’ category… Ladies and gentlemen, we have a wiener! Herald Sun – Family First reels over porn scandal: Andrew … Continue reading

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Kalluri Vaani (Have you been high today?)

Crazy Indian Video… Buffalaxed! (link via) The original is Kalluri Vaanil by Prabhu Deva Sundaram. An actual video-based translation complete with links to MP3s (warning:untested) can be found here. And now, in the interests of cultural balance, I demand that … Continue reading

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Here we go again…

Wearing a poppy could get you arrested. Tell your friends or display a nifty banner like this one on your website:

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Iain Dale: I bet you think this song is about you….

I think from here on in it’s pretty safe to say that if Iain Dale claims to be outraged by someone’s behaviour, there’s a very good chance that he’s not genuinely outraged about the behaviour itself, but instead is merely … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 10 Comments

Iain Dale: the zero accountability factor

BSSC – In Conversation with Iain Dale: I think it’s unlikely that I’ll attempt any further conversations with Iain on his blog. In my experience, the suggestion that Iain can be held to account for what he writes in the … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Iain Dale: focal recall

Garry has kept up the pressure on Iain Dale in an admirably polite manner and has been rewarded with this comment from Iain that – again – neatly sidesteps the question of his erasure of evidence (on his blog) and … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Pigs and Parliament

The Times – Jack Straw rabbits on, and gets the protest vote: Jack Straw delivered a statement yesterday that included some grand constitutional ideas to do with war and peace, rights and wrongs. He also announced a review into the … Continue reading

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Now that’s just taking the piss

Iain Dale once made it very clear to me that he had no intention of blogging an item about a Conservative calling their political opponent a paedophile, and this matter has come up in recent days. Iain is certainly aware … Continue reading

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