Somewhere, right now, a Tory is screaming “Witch hunt!”

This entry was posted on
Friday, October 5th, 2007
1:06 pm and is filed
under The Political Weblog Movement.

Via Tom:

Kevin Maguire – Cam’s big speech con: If David Cameron’s audition to be a cable TV daytime host was unscripted, a line swallowed by many newspapers and broadcasters, can anyone explain why the “speech writer” was last night having his hand shaken by fellow Tories? A lawyer acquaintance waiting in a Euston station taxi queue at about 7.45 watched as a well spoken man enjoyed the plaudits of fellow Cons fresh off the train from Blackpool. Anyone know him? He looked in his 30s, fairish hair, dark suit. chequed shirt and a tie with an emblem or motif from a university or club. Reading a London Evening Standard headline hailing “1 hour 10 mins without a script”, he laughed and claimed he wrote the address before boasting “they believe he extemporised!” Another Tory laughed too then grabbed his hand before saying: “Seriously though, great speech. Congratulations.” That Cameron somehow made it up as he went along, apart from a few notes, is the best piece of spin for years.

Oh, yes please… let’s find/identify this man. We should at least give him the opportunity to deny it.


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About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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