Monthly Archives: December 2007

Terminated… with extreme prejudice

BBC – Benazir Bhutto killed in attack: The attack occurred close to an entrance gate of the park in Rawalpindi where Ms Bhutto had been speaking. Police confirmed reports Ms Bhutto had been shot in the neck and chest before … Continue reading

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Tony Blair to ‘do God’ in a new (and totally unexpected) manner

Guardian – After 30 years as a closet Catholic, Blair finally puts faith before politics Justin McKeating – BREAKING NEWS: Blair anointed Left Footer: It’s official: Tony Blair has converted to Catholicism in time for Christmas… Apparently Blair, when giving … Continue reading

Posted in Tony 'King Blair | 2 Comments

Decrease the surplus population!

I’m sorry, but contrary to what many right-wing tosspots are fond of claiming at this time of year, there is no massive conspiracy against Christmas… only a small and rather dedicated one. :o) Many thanks to Garry, Justin, Gareth, Davide, … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 6 Comments

Make an elf of yourself (and tell Santa where to get off)

Lots of viral mechanisms crop up at this time of year (in fact, it was the promotion of Crackermatic that kicked things off at Bloggerheads back in the day). Most of them are rubbish, but I did laugh at Elf … Continue reading

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Dean Godson: would you like to know more?

BSSC – Dean Godson: “Research Director” Just a little bit of light reading for folks who would like to know more about this extraordinary man.

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Anti-Christmas carols: we have a verdict from the police

Section 132 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 makes it illegal to demonstrate anywhere near Parliament without official police permission. Under this act, it is an offence to organise or take part in a demonstration within the … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 7 Comments

Policy Exchange drops the ball and plays the man

Hey-ho. I’m currently shaking off my share of the winter vomiting virus and waiting for the police to make up their minds (according to Royal Mail, my form arrived yesterday). Meanwhile, a great story about Policy Exchange is developing, with … Continue reading

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You better watch out…

The Register – Santa putting children’s information at risk, warn experts: Santa Claus could be breaking privacy laws in his collection and use of data about British children, experts have warned. Yuletide cheer-bringer Claus could be putting the personal data … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 2 Comments


The Times – Britain’s breach of honour over Iraq interpreters: More than half the Iraqi interpreters who applied to come to live in Britain have had their applications rejected, drawing accusations that the Government is “wriggling out” of its promise … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 3 Comments

O Come All Ye Faithful

I had a *very* interesting day last Tuesday. I was standing outside Parliament umming and ahhing about doing another carol service this year, as the point (about what may or may not be considered a demonstration… and who decides that) … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 11 Comments