Monthly Archives: February 2008

OMFG! EXCLUSIVE!!: New Idea blows Prince Harry’s cover while Matt Drudge claims the exclusive and compounds the error

By now you’re all aware that Prince Harry has been fighting in Afghanistan (gunning down other human beings in much the same way that most normal people do) and that there was an agreement for it not be reported by … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely!, Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement | 10 Comments

Joseph Obi and bits and bobs

Yesterday (27 Feb), Joseph Chikelue Obi uploaded these nude(!) photos of himself on Flickr [sfw], presenting them as a slide show via one of his many, many domain names. One can only assume that this is part of the PR … Continue reading

Posted in Teh Interwebs, The Political Weblog Movement, UK Libel Law | 9 Comments

Thought Crime night at the Manifesto Club

Via Poons and Justin: Paul Staines (aka ‘Guido Fawkes’) will be speaking at the Manifesto Club tonight as ‘a supporter of free speech’. I had a question about an outgoing fella with a colourful past who lived and worked in … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 1 Comment

Brown government still dragging its heels on Iraqi employees issue

As you’re probably aware from watching the latest WMD and torture developments, the Brown government is becoming increasingly convinced of its ability to sweep some outstanding matters under the rug after a perfunctory dusting. In fact, they appear to think … Continue reading

Posted in Gordon Brown, It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 2 Comments

Meet Tanja Suessenbach of Ltd

Joseph Chikelue Obi (aka The Obi One) continues to delight us with fantastic testimonials (via) and even more fantastic stat-porn, but this morning I’d like to focus on another main player in this battle for justice; Tanja Suessenbach. Tanja Suessenbach … Continue reading

Posted in Teh Interwebs, UK Libel Law | 17 Comments

Meet Joseph Chikelue Obi and his army of supporters

The Register would have you believe that another ISP has cowardly caved to ridiculous legal threats, but I know better because I’ve read and heard the personal testimony of Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi… Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi Sensationally Appears On … Continue reading

Posted in UK Libel Law | 11 Comments

Rebekah Wade offers a masterclass in mob control

The Sun – Death penalty: Your verdict: Almost 100,000 Sun readers unite today to call for the return of the death penalty. Monster Mark Dixie, Suffolk Strangler Steve Wright and the teenage killers of hero dad Garry Newlove have sickened … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 2 Comments

That must have been torture…

Guardian – Miliband admits US rendition flights stopped on UK soil: Britain acknowledged today for the first time that US planes on “extraordinary rendition” flights stopped on British soil twice. The admission came from the foreign secretary, David Miliband, who … Continue reading

Posted in It's War! It's Legal! It's Lovely! | 3 Comments

Paul Staines: And we’re done.

It’s 4pm. And we’re done. [This post will get bigger in a bit.] UPDATE (4:30pm) Paul Staines (aka ‘Guido Fawkes’) was told to put up or shut up… and he chose the latter option. Didn’t stop Dizzy from trying to … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 20 Comments

Anne Milton, Dr Graham Henderson, and declarations of interest

Dr Graham Henderson, husband of Anne Milton MP, was Director of Public Health for the East Surrey PCT until late 2006 (i.e. until the formation of the Surrey mega-PCT, a move his wife opposed, BTW). While in that position, Dr … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Milton | 1 Comment