Fred and Sharon’s movies (make your life go better)

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
2:03 pm and is filed
under Normal People, Teh Interwebs.

Fred and Sharon Spencer are a delightful couple from Kelowna, Canada.

In January of this year, they invested in the domain name, uploaded a shedload of brilliant videos to their YouTube channel, and waited for the world to come knocking on their door, seeking the services of ‘Fred and Sharon’s Movie Productions’ (and/or ‘Fred Spencer Productions Unlimited’).

Sadly, nothing happened.

A month later, Fred Spencer uploaded what is quite possibly the most brilliant promotional video ever to be released on YouTube.

But again, nothing happened… until a few days ago, when people finally started to sit up and take notice in a BIG way.

Fred and Sharon are now one of the hottest tickets on Teh Internets, but – and here comes the really odd bit – they have suddenly decided that they no longer want to promote their services as filmmakers (and animators); the bulk of their site has been removed* and replaced with the message “temporarily offline”!

I can’t for the life of me work out why. Perhaps you’d care to take a look at their YouTube channel and the promotional video that made all the difference and enlighten me:

Fred and Sharon Spencer: Who Needs a Movie?

(Link via b3ta.)

[*Psst! Scraps of the original site can be seen for a limited time in Google’s cache.]

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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