Monthly Archives: June 2008

Relax. Don’t struggle. Try not to fight it. You’ll only hurt yourself.

You will watch my new video. You will link to my new video. You will express your love and admiration for my new video. Once these tasks are complete, you will awake feeling alert and refreshed. You will watch my … Continue reading

Posted in Flash Music Video, Games and Objects | 3 Comments

Shh! Don’t tell Iain or Paul, but…

Civil action can be quite pricey and sometimes dicey, but for those with no time for critics and no taste for accountability, there is an alternative… call the cops and scream ‘harassment’: Slugger O’Toole – Power of arrest used against … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Six quickies

1. The reason there aren’t more results for the “Which right-wing ‘blogger’ are you?” quiz; the wannabes (who I’ll be kind enough not to list here) all copy the techniques used by Mummy blogger and Daddy blogger, so there’s very … Continue reading

Posted in Gordon Brown, The Political Weblog Movement, The War on Stupid, Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments Off on Six quickies

Wipe your chin, David

Telegraph – Conservative expenses row: David Cameron says MPs have to be ‘open and accountable’: David Cameron has pledged to get tough with MPs and MEPs who break the rules over their expenses following a series of Conservative sleaze allegations… … Continue reading

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | 2 Comments

Some quiz goodness for you

A little treat for you, fresh from the potting shed: QUIZ: which right-wing ‘blogger’ are you? Good luck.

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 5 Comments

Where’s Wally Squad?

OK folks, it’s time to play an exciting new game called Where’s Wally Squad? To play this game, all you need is a pair of sharp eyes, and the following information: This Daily Mail article describes a person who is: … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 5 Comments

Agent provocateur rumbled?

Daily Mail (!) – Was ‘friend’ who yelled abuse at police on anti-war demo a stooge or a thug, asks writer: As a throng of protesters built up by the barriers, an extremely animated demonstrator in a white T-shirt caught … Continue reading

Posted in The War on Stupid | 9 Comments

“Gentlemen… we’re history.”

Goodbye, George. If you have an hour (and a bit) to spare today, I invite you to spend it on one final blow-out. (And one for Justin.)

Posted in The War on Stupid | 3 Comments

Five items

1. Like most people, I’m watching this nest of ants that David Davis has kicked over (latest). Murdoch’s scramble to and from the fight shows that he can’t afford to be seen diddling our democracy, and – candidate or no … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 7 Comments

Murdoch backs off on Davis fight

Guardian – Kelvin MacKenzie unlikely to stand in byelection : The Sun has not referred to the mooted campaign by its columnist once in print since MacKenzie and Murdoch, the paper’s proprietor, discussed it at a party on Thursday evening … Continue reading

Posted in Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment