Monthly Archives: November 2008

Martin Wiesner (aka ‘Pogsurf’, aka ‘Lobster Blogster’, aka ‘Tory Dipper’, aka…)

You might initially think that this issue pales into insignificance next to the million assumptions that simply must be made immediately about matters in Mumbai today, but I for one believe that the reliability of information is important across the … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 6 Comments

Andrew Gilligan: Ailing Standards

After giving Andrew Gilligan puh-lenty of chances to either deny or defend the use of multiple false identities to praise/defend his own articles and/or undermine critics of Boris Johnson, I finally ran out of patience with the bloke and took … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 19 Comments

Some anonymous Wikipedia edits by employees of Associated Newspapers Ltd

This afternoon, I used the almighty Wiki Scanner to have a quick browse through some old anonymous edits made from an Associated Newspapers IP address. (Primarily by the looks of things, and you can browse from the most recent … Continue reading

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Fat lot of good it’ll do them in a battery cage, but…

This is the coolest thing you’ll see all day, if not all week: Chicken Head Tracking (Loving the new widescreen setting on YouTube, BTW… even if it does date my entire collection.)

Posted in Video | 1 Comment

But he’s got you, dear boy…

Boris Watch has spotted it, and it slipped under the Guardian’s radar at the time, but I’d like to highlight this for regulars at Bloggerheads as a warm-up of sorts. This is a comment left on the Guardian’s website using … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 1 Comment


Iain Dale has introduced compulsory comment registration on his weblog. It’s on a trial basis, he’s pledged to give it more of a chance than he did last time, he clearly recognises the way in which the all-comers system was … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement | 12 Comments

Awwww… poor George

I meant to blog this on Friday, but that silly Mr Gilligan got in the way. Here’s a clear indication (if you need it) of Bush’s legacy. Do any of these world leaders see any need to play nice now … Continue reading

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All (suitable) hands on deck, please

1. Do you already have a CiF/Guardian account*? 2. Do you think the use of sock-puppetry is pathetic, dishonest and/or damaging? Then please, if you have a moment, read this article and then check in under comments to let Andrew … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 4 Comments

Let us give thanks for Sarah Palin…

… the gift that keeps on giving: (Psst! You may wish to move on to the next item if you’re vegetarian or in any way sensitive about the origin of your Thanksgiving/Christmas/Winterval turkey.) Palin Enjoys The Levity Of A Turkey … Continue reading

Posted in US Presidential Election 2008 | Comments Off on Let us give thanks for Sarah Palin…

Gilligan begin again

Those keeping up with the Andrew Gilligan sock-puppet saga will want to keep tabs on the discussion thread under this article.

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