This entry was posted on
Thursday, June 4th, 2009 at
12:28 pm and is filed
under Tolerance.
MINI-UPDATE – see also: The Daily Quail – Why the BNP hate Britain
The BNP decided last night that they would (finally) broadcast their policies instead of riding the expenses scandal. Meanwhile, they’ve urged all of their activists to share their policies push the ‘protest vote’ message wherever they go.
Today I’ll mostly be on Twitter and spreading the word that #theBNParetwats – but I will also be adding to this post as the day goes by to show you what really lurks behind the BNP’s published policies.
Email or message me if you’d like to contribute to the fisking of these ’10 reasons to vote BNP’, or simply share the love on YouTube with the Billy Brit trilogy box set: | |
Also, if you’re on Twitter, please consider changing your profile image to something suitably anti-BNP and RTing this message.
And now, on with the fisking of ’10 Reasons Why You Should Vote BNP’ (be warned that relevant links go direct to the BNP website):
Reason to vote BNP number 1: Workfare not Welfare – BNP Housing and Welfare Policy.
NCCLols takes a closer look at this; one thing he highlights is the oft-repeated myth of a housing crisis driven by immediate handovers to ‘illegal asylum seekers’ and the like. As many people struggle to understand, the BNP are calling for radical change to reverse/correct something that isn’t really happening.
I’ll field this one a bit, too; they oppose what they describe as “social engineering” before proposing their own social engineering scheme (a theme they often return to), and the entire policy is unworkable without their casting off or cutting off large numbers of brown people regardless of their willingness to work. So you’ll get your welfare improvements after Johnny Foreigner is out on his ear and “utterly bogus asylum seeker and immigration swindles” are done away with. Maybe.
Reason to vote BNP number 2: British Soldiers Defending Britain – BNP Defence Policy.
Sim-O has this covered. Some spectacular isolationism from the BNP, who are at the same time trying to make gains on the backs of an near-to-infinite number of grandfathers who died in WWII.
(see also: Foreign Affairs Policy)
To be fisked.
Reason to vote BNP number 4: Nurturing the Genius of Our Nation’s Youth – BNP Education Policy.
Bookdrunk reveals at its core; “a bold policy of sweeping away citizenship lessons and replacing them with.. uh.. a compulsory citizenship organisation for young people”
Reason to vote BNP number 5: Restoring the Rule of Law – The BNP’s Crime and Justice Policy.
Justin McKeating has this one covered. In a disgraceful ad hominem attack that’s certain to enrage non-racist* debating expert Phil Hendren, Justin points out that the authors of these policies are a bunch of crooks. (I might also add that they lie about crime rates and even specific crimes.)
[*MINI-UPDATE – This is a private joke about the perception/portrayal of due criticism as ad hominem attacks in some quarters. ‘Non-racist’ is not meant to be taken as sarcasm, but to clarify that Hendren is only relevant as far as any discussion of ad hominem attacks goes. I do not regard Phil Hendren to be a racist. Happy to make that clear.]
Five Chinese Crackers – BNP Immigration policy – something* tells me it’s not just about immigrants
[*Actually, that would be Nick Griffin, wouldn’t it? ;o) ]
Reason to vote BNP number 7: How the BNP Will Rebuild Britain’s Economy.
To be fisked.
Reason to vote BNP number 8: Britain First – The Simple Logic of BNP Foreign Affairs Policy.
Irritability Incarnate: The BNP – on a different planet? points out where “the BNP’s position on foreign policy is somehow incredibly simplistic yet remarkably contradictory and confusing at the same time.”
Jamie Sport offers: “‘Simple’ is the operative word in the BNP’s ‘Foreign Affairs Policy’, which actually just consists of not having any affairs with foreigners. This is classic BNP non-politics; policy which proposes nothing, relying instead on simply doing the opposite of whatever it is the mainstream parties would do. BNP policy is devised not by formulating plans or generating ideas, but by taking current strategy and saying ‘Nah’. This is anti-politics, anti-integration, regressive and harmful to our country, and betrays an inability to seriously run a political party, let alone a country. Mr Griffin and his cohorts have not the faintest idea of how Europe or indeed any international relations work, evidenced by their pie-in-the sky, unworkable soundbite policy points (all *cough* four of them)”
Reason to vote BNP number 9: The BNP Is Britain’s Most Democratic Party.
Five Chinese Crakers – It’s not a baying mob – it’s democratic tells you everything you need to know about the BNP’s commitment to democracy, which goes about as deep (and lasts about as long) as the first layer of cloth in a cheap suit.
The Pickards – The Most Democratic Party? is a completely thorough fisking, and well worth your time.
Reason to vote BNP number 10: The BNP is Britain’s Only True Green Party.
To be fisked.
[Psst! To hear more about their unpublished policies, check out this video of Nick Grfiffin speaking to his American Nationalist and Klu Klux Klan buddies.]
[MINI-UPDATE: ‘Dizzy’ really wanted to help, but thought it more important that you ‘learn’ the BNP are really left-wing. For true.]
By Jonathan McCalmont June 4, 2009 - 1:14 pm
The problem with their defence policy is that it relies upon "not in Britain's direct interest" to do a lot of work for them. Of course, this is largely a question of perception and it's impossible to work out what the BNP would consider Britain's national interest unless they publish a wider foreign policy document. For example, I'm sure that Blair would argue that invading Iraq was in Britain's best interest (by preventing WMD attacks and defusing terrorism), just as I'm sure that Brown would argue that British forces need to be in Afghanistan.Interestingly though, their nuclear policy does hint at something a bit more concrete. Britain doesn't have a genuinely independent deterrent. It buys foreign technology. This is because Britain got the bomb by its own but then stopped developing its own weapons. So if the BNP want a genuinely independent British nuclear deterrent they'll have to :A) possibly renationalise Britain's defence industry. Which would be a HUGE deal.B) Resume nuclear testing in contravention of a number of international treaties making Britain an international pariah and destroying what credibility we might have in attempting to stop other people gaining nuclear weapons.C) Get a lot less bang-for-our-buck as instead of buying tested off-the-shelf nuclear weapons, we'll have to boot-strap our own research and development infrastructure from nothing.
By 5cc June 4, 2009 - 2:46 pm
""a bold policy of sweeping away citizenship lessons and replacing them with.. uh.. a compulsory citizenship organisation for young people"Jeez – could you invent an organisation that sounded any more like the Hitler Youth? Even if you tried really, really hard?
By An Englishman in NY June 4, 2009 - 8:15 pm
Don't know whether anyone has noticed but under their education policy section, they say:"- The restoration of discipline – including corporal punishment – uniforms, traditional teaching methods and stricter exams (e.g. '0'; levels);"What are '0' (zero?) levels? I thought that I'd done 'O' levels when I was younger… Or perhaps their aim is to de-educate people and turn the population into compliant proles?