Monthly Archives: July 2009


[PLEASE NOTE – All email to my manic[AT] address will be rejected until further notice. Emails to this or any other address will NOT be received. If you wish to get in touch, please use the Gmail address (which … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement, Updates | 1 Comment

Andy Coulson and a lifetime supply of chocolate

I don’t want to name names, but back in my youth we had a problem with one of my fellow Scouts stealing/sneaking food. Of course, there was no way to prove that the Snickers wrapper under his bedroll used to … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch, The Political Weblog Movement | 2 Comments

Where do leading bloggers stand on blagging?

The ICO reports that re-emerged this week – What Price Privacy? and What Price Privacy Now? (source) – make for fascinating reading; they outline the widespread use of blagging and/or blaggers by many newspapers and magazines. Influential, independent online media … Continue reading

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Andy Coulson: certain people

As a prelude to ‘smeargate’, Paul Staines went on live television and claimed that there was a Downing Street briefing document titled ‘how to get [Iain] Dale’. He even promised to publish it that very afternoon. He didn’t. But from … Continue reading

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Boycott the Total Politics poll of weblogs

Iain Dale has been running a self-serving ‘poll’ of weblogs since 2006. When faced with any charge that his polls are heavily biased on a personal or political basis, Dale will typically claim that the poll is ‘just a bit … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 4 Comments

Will Martin Townsend sack Derek Lambie?

Earlier this year, the Scottish edition of the Sunday Express newspaper published a front page article, “Anniversary Shame of Dunblane Survivors” (detail). It was penned by Paul Murray working under Scottish title editor, Derek Lambie. Lambie himself works under Sunday … Continue reading

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Paul Staines and the Guido Fawkes ‘logo’

News reaches me via this comment in this thread that copyright for the ‘logo’ that Paul Staines has been using for well over 4 years on the ‘Guido Fawkes’ site most likely rests with IPC Magazines, and not Paul Staines … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement | 6 Comments