Monthly Archives: November 2009

Simon Edhouse: adventures in the entrepreneurial mindset

I’ve been funnelling most of the ‘diverting links’ content through my Twitter channel lately, but it will take a smidgen over 140 characters for me to run you through this so you get the full benefit, so for the first … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 30 Comments

What goes on in Google’s wasteland (and why you should care)

BBC – Michelle Obama racist image sparks Google apology: Google has apologised over a racially offensive picture of Michelle Obama which appears when users search for images of the US first lady. The image comes top of the Google Images … Continue reading

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An open letter to Lord (Michael) Ashcroft

Dear Lord Ashcroft, Apologies for the open letter, but the better part of two months has been wasted going through the ‘proper channels’ on this matter, and your staff only appeared to show mild interest (at best) when there was … Continue reading

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Graham Dudman plays the man

The following is the full, unedited and uncensored text of a letter from Graham Dudman (Managing Editor of The Sun) to the PCC, written in relation to the ‘Alan Sugar terror target’ story that was first revealed here at Bloggerheads … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

YouTube’s priorities

Amount of time YouTube take to remove a video containing a glimpse of nudity from their servers after a possible/arguable violation of their Community Guidelines: Less than 6 hours. Amount of time YouTube take to remove my ex-directory home address … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 2 Comments

Page 3 propaganda

Not a lot of people know, understand or appreciate what’s been happening on Page 3 since 2003, so I made a video that explains it and includes all the evidence anyone could want that The Sun have been royally taking … Continue reading

Posted in Page 3 - News in Briefs, Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch | 1 Comment

The return of NAD-LIBS

NAD-LIBS work just like Mad-Libs, only they focus on the adventures of everyone’s favourite Conservative MP, Nadine Dorries. (It’s hard to think of a more fitting tribute, given her tendency to imagine or invent stuff that happens to her, often … Continue reading

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Guy Fawkes Night 2009 [UPDATED with bonfire and fireworks footage]

Previously, I’ve burned Tony Blair and Rebekah Wade in effigy. Last year, ‘Bob’ went up in flames and you got to join him (you lucky devils). This year, I’d like to introduce you to ‘Johnson’: As you can see, Johnson … Continue reading

Posted in Guy Fawkes Night | 4 Comments

Glen Jenvey arrested? Patrick Mercer: “No comment”

The following is a transcript from a telephone interview conducted recently with Patrick Mercer: Tim Ireland: Do you have any comment on your Parliamentary Question of February 2009, made in response to evidence produced by Glen Jenvey? Patrick Mercer: I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The War on Stupid, Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments Off on Glen Jenvey arrested? Patrick Mercer: “No comment”

To: John Rubinstein (of Rubinstein Phillips LLP)

Hi folks. Pardon the housekeeping, but a certain dark corner needs a sweep and some daylight. On with the open letter: Dear Mr Rubinstein, I completely reject any notion that I have harassed or stalked your client in any legal … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media, The Political Weblog Movement, Tories! Tories! Tories! | Comments Off on To: John Rubinstein (of Rubinstein Phillips LLP)