Monthly Archives: December 2009

Nadine Dorries’ Christmas Message

Blessings to you and all the other peasants of Mid-Narnia! [*blesses*] And now, here is your annual message of hope. Chew it slowly. Princess Nadine’s Christmas Message 2009

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | 1 Comment

Meet Dougal Blimey

Conservative Change Channel – Rupert Murdoch and other great Australians There’s a new character on Conservative Change Channel by the name of Dougal Blimey. I hope you enjoy meeting him as much as I enjoyed creating him. Incidentally, I was … Continue reading

Posted in The Political Weblog Movement, Tories! Tories! Tories!, Video | 1 Comment

Trafigura takes steaming dump, gags Auntie (SFW)

This scandal of dumped toxic waste brought down a government, but the Swiss-based multinational Trafigura struggles on in the hope of burying the truth along with the bodies. What a bunch of shameless bastards. You can help beat Trafigura’s gag … Continue reading

Posted in Consume! | 1 Comment

Patrick Mercer and what may or may not be evidence of something

If you’ve been following the Jenvey/Mercer/Wightman saga, you’re probably aware of Glen Jenvey’s habit of releasing emails, PDFs, Word DOCs and the like in group emails or via comments on other people’s websites (or both) as evidence of this or … Continue reading

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Private Eye / Adam Macqueen : “we don’t credit blogs” (you nutter)

This year, I’ve been subjected to a series of personal attacks as a result of one story: Bloggerheads – Glen Jenvey has some explaining to do One of the most surprising/disappointing attacks came from Private Eye, a magazine I’d previously … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 3 Comments

Nadine Dorries is never wrong

The twitterlyverse was quietly minding its own business yesterday when Nadine Dorries suddenly exploded with fury ‘bemusement’ so great, it could not be contained in a single tweet: (Hint for n00bs: read from bottom to top) It soon became clear … Continue reading

Posted in Tories! Tories! Tories! | 2 Comments