Monthly Archives: October 2011

Ricky Gervais: Mong 2.0

Let’s take Ricky Gervais at his word and assume he is being sincere when he says he is merely reclaiming the word ‘mong’: Because it is not a slur against any handicapped group, or a reference to any handicapped person … Continue reading

Posted in Humanity | 17 Comments

Daily Mail and the Foxy Knock-Offski

Did anyone else notice anything funny about this picture of Adam Werritty’s business card, as featured in the Daily Mail? No? Just me then. Was anyone else so blinded by irrational hatred for tabloid newspapers that they recognised it as … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 13 Comments

Open letter to journalist Nick Pisa

Morning, folks. I have decided to email Nick Pisa about his conduct last night, when through the Daily Mail he reported how a series of people reacted to an event that never happened. from Tim Ireland to nickpisa[AT] date Tue, … Continue reading

Posted in Old Media | 63 Comments