Monthly Archives: June 2017

Analysis of @UKLabour/@Conservatives Twitter output during #GE2017

(EARLIER: Word Clouds for Labour/Conservative party Twitter accounts during #GE2017) I write about politics and corruption and what have you, but when I’m not wearing my cape, I also do data analysis on keyword search data for SEO purposes and … Continue reading

Posted in Geekage, Teh Interwebs, Tories! Tories! Tories!, UK General Election 2017 | 2 Comments

Plan your vote… and get your pencils ready! #votingpencil

And lo, the Electoral Commission did convey their wisdom, saying unto the keepers of ballots: : 3.18 A ballot paper marked by means other than a pencil should not be rejected simply because of that. : source: It is … Continue reading

Posted in UK General Election 2017 | 2 Comments

Word Clouds for Labour/Conservative party Twitter accounts during #GE2017

I thought it would be interesting to have a summary of what the major parties are saying on Twitter during #GE2017, so here’s what I did: For both @Conservatives and @UKLabour, I took all tweets & replies from every day … Continue reading

Posted in Inneresting, Tories! Tories! Tories!, UK General Election 2017 | 1 Comment