Shocking left-wing bias of BBC revealed!
Manic thinks heads should roll over this.
Manic is speechless. End communication.
Labels: guido fawkes, media bias
Manic thinks heads should roll over this.
Labels: guido fawkes, media bias
Paul de Laire Staines (aka Guido Fawkes) has again fallen prey to a desperate smack-down involving the shadowy hand of the establishment, as yet another decades-old document has been dragged out of the archives (no doubt by paid researchers of The Smith Institute) as part of an ongoing effort to discredit the notorious freedom-fighter and blogging hero.
Labels: guido fawkes
A few weeks ago, via 18 Doughty Street, Iain Dale published an investigative report into one charity - The Smith Institute - without declaring his interest in another (some might say 'rival') charity... Policy Exchange.
Labels: guido fawkes, iain dale, policy exchange
... Manic finds this quite fitting:
Labels: guido fawkes
Telegraph: Political blogger warned he could be jailed: The Charity Commission has warned an online blogger he could go to jail unless he submits information he has gathered about the activities of the Smith Institute, the left-wing think tank under investigation for links to the Labour Party. The formal direction was issued to Paul Staines, who runs the Guido Fawkes political website, ordering him to release documents relating to the institute by Friday.
Labels: guido fawkes, iain dale, policy exchange
To the individual who just tried to post the 1986 Guardian article about Paul Staines under comments at 12:01pm today:
Labels: guido fawkes
External item #1:
This week will see some features and presentational changes to the blog, including an "about" section. - Paul de Laire StainesManic thinks it about fucking time.
See that the lefty thought police were out in force this weekend. When will they realise that you can't be vindictive and humorous at the same time? Had a look at the guido 2.0 site and thought this little gem sums up why the site is such a bore. "Guido Fawkes 2.0 is a non-governmental organisation devoted to raising blogging standards and reducing moral poverty in the developing blogosphere." In other words, Labour is crap at this blogging lark and want to spoil the party for everyone else! - a comment by 'chatterbox' on Staines' websiteManic has been waiting patiently for this:
Labels: guido fawkes
It's just another Manic Monday... and he does wish it were Sunday.
Labels: iain dale
Here is a post without comments.
Labels: bnp, guido fawkes
Ooooh, lookie here:
Manic would love to tell you all about Iain Dale's new regime of comment censorship, but it will have to wait for now.
"Charlie Kennedy ostentatiously drunk a Coca Cola, mind you he did leave early, (keeps the Tennents Extra at home obviously)." - Paul 'Guido' StainesThis cheap shot (insert chat-show joke here) was delivered by the same man who claims that, on the same night, he drank his way into the back of a police van. And then woke up in an incapacitated state, sweating vodka and nursing aching kidneys.
Labels: guido fawkes
Iain Dale: no heart, no brains, no courage
Manic would prefer it if you begged, but sometimes you can earn instant linkage purely by pointing out the bleeding obvious:
Labels: iain dale
Telegraph - Channel 4 award for Brian Haw
Labels: guido fawkes, kool-aid
Look kids... proof!
Labels: iain dale, media bias
Manic invites you to check out Iain Dale's Blogger profile, which includes a list of the blogs he has created:
A revealing exchange over at the Tygerland website:
"For a start, Guido shouldn’t be mistaken for a commentator or an activist. He’s a muckraker. He has great contacts and a salivating, committed readership. It works, for now. Most of Guido’s readership are gossip-loving Labour-hating Tories, many of whom do not share his Libertarian tendencies, so when the Tories next gain power, one wonders whether the site will remain as relevant. Will Guido turn on the inevitable Tory sleaze? And will his readership stomach it? Guido himself knows the lifespan of the Guido Fawkes model is finite." - TygerHere, 'Guido' has revealed that he personally only intends to carry on only until the next election... and it is safe to assume that 'Guido' expects a Tory victory.
"I intend to keep going for at least two more years until after the election. The blog will no doubt continue - Wonkette still cojntinues [sic] without her - it is crap now, but hey…" - Paul 'Guido' Staines
Labels: conservatives, guido fawkes
Cheeky Tyger thinks he has scooped Manic, but he is wrong.
Labels: guido fawkes, iain dale, media bias, wingnuts
Iain Dale was in his element on his little television show last night.
Labels: iain dale, media bias, wingnuts
Nicholas "Call me 'Nick'" Boles is one of the potential Conservative candidates for Mayor of London.
Labels: guido fawkes, iain dale, nick boles, policy exchange
Like most serial
Iain Dale: I was brought up in a very rural area in North Essex and never imagined I would spend much of my working life in London. I come from a long line of farmers and it was expected that I too would become a farmer. Visiting some close family near Barnstaple last night it was good to see my cousin Richard again. We worked out that it had been seven years. He hadn't changed at all, yet he had been told this week that after 27 years of working on the same farm he was being made redundant. The farmer was in tears when he broke the news. He said he just couldn't face carrying on due to all the regulations he had to comply with. So yet another farming family is getting out.
Anonymous said...Notice how deftly Iain dodges this question while mocking the interrogator for their 'stupidity'.
When is that rural East Hampshire selection coming up again, Iain?
11:38 AM
Iain Dale said...
Anonymous 11.38 - nice try. But I'm in Devon, not East Hampshire, as you might know if you had read the first line!
11:43 AM
Ellee Seymour: It's no surprise that Iain more than ruffles a few feathers, hopefully he has broad shoulders and can shrug off the empty threats and accusations from New Labour trolls which he has written about today.
Good morning, class. If you recall, yesterday we covered spamming your way to the top.
Labels: iain dale
Manic published a series of link-begging emails yesterday, and was disappointed at the lack of comments guessing at the identity of the sender... until he received two private messages from two different people who received near-to-exact copies of one of those emails!
Labels: iain dale