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October 28, 2003

Lord Clive Soley

Labour MP for Hammersmith (1992-1997) then Ealing Acton and Shepherd's Bush (1997-2005)

Launched: October 28, 2003

Format: Typepad (customised template)

Comments: Yes
Trackback: No
Syndication: Yes

MP. In. Domain. Name. Ngggggh!: "Let's face it; you won't always be a Councillor or an MP."

Indeed. And after he had been blogging as an MP for almost two years, this is what happened to Clive: Lord Soley: Clive Stafford Soley, Esquire, having been created Baron Soley, of Hammersmith in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, for life - was, in his robes, introduced between the Lord Dubs and the Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean, and made the solemn Affirmation.

He blogs about it here.

Clive Lord Soley uses his blog for many things, but the one thing that makes him a stand-out on the web is a willingness to use his new ability to challenge establish media outlets through this channel. He mentions this specifically in his static article on why he thinks MPs should blog: I also found the site very useful when I challenged News International on sexual harassment at the Sun newspaper. Rupert Murdoch doesn't answer letters even from MP's - at least not if they point the finger at his organisation! And, with a few honourable exceptions the media is not too keen on running stories critical of their competitors. But the web log is international and that entry gets a lot of visits... I do not know how many people read my column in the local press but I do know that over 500 people per week visit my web log.

For a good laugh, you may want to read his reaction and Richard Allan's to an inaccuracy in the Guardian.

In my opinion, Clive really needs his own domain name (and also move on from this collective Ealing & Shepherds Bush site), but he's now reached a position where the reputation of his current (blog) URL earns him good search results for the information he wants seen by those with an interest in people like Rupert Murdoch and Richard Desmond... and he risks sacrificing that performance (at least for a short while) if he moves.

Posted by timireland on October 28, 2003 10:37 AM in the category Blogs: House of Lords


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