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March 15, 2005

Mark Pritchard (Proxy Blog)

Conservative MP for The Wrekin

Proxy blog by: BigDaddyMerk

Launched: March 15, 2005

Format: (standard template)

Comments: Yes
Trackback: No
Syndication: No

The proxy blog for Mark Pritchard has one simple and clearly stated purpose; to continue to exist until Mark starts his own weblog. And it's not the most favourable or fawning of proxy blogs, let me tell you.

What chance do you think it has of succeeding?

Well, Mark Pritchard - who obviously cannot see into a future that doesn't involve him being the Conservative MP for The Wrekin - has his online home at and sometime before March 2005 a 'blog' link appeared on the front page of that website.

Sadly, while Mark Pritchard may be commercially involved in Teh Interwebs via the company Discount Domains Ltd, he appears to lack the common sense and/or common courtesy that is required for effective networking via weblogs. To give you an example, as the proxy blog for Pritchard reveals here, Mark Pritchard has been clever enough to 'find' and endorse the website for Discount Domains Ltd on a number of occasions.

Oh, sorry... I mentioned a blog.

Sorry to get your hopes up, but in August 2005, Mark Pritchard was shortlisted for the inaugural N00b Media Award for launching a weblog and failing to make a single post for upwards of 5 months, even though the site boasted archive links dating back to the dawn of time).

The 'blog' remains empty and still provides a magical portal into the dim and distant past. You can click here if you wish to see it, but please be aware that the page is a very hefty download in its current state. The archive dates don't stop once they finally count down to January 0 (there was a Year Zero?); they go on to December -1 and on and on and on into the 'negative' years... and would continue to do so forever if his server and your ISP would allow such a thing.

Posted by timireland on March 15, 2005 11:06 AM in the category Blogs: Proxies


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