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May 10, 2005

Julie Morgan

Labour MP for Cardiff North

Launched: May 10, 2005


Comments: Yes
Trackback: No
Syndication: No

Julie's main website still sits here at Geocities (Geocities? Run! Hide!) but she now also runs a weblog here at

Ideally, Julie needs to bite the bullet and set up a new home at a site hosted under a domain that she controls, but she is to be commended for waiting until after the 2005 General Election to start her weblog:

Following in the footsteps of my colleagues Tom Watson and Leighton Andrews, I've decided to start keeping this blog as a new way of communicating with my constituents. I hope you enjoy it! I was very proud to be re-elected as MP for Cardiff North on May 5. I have enjoyed the last eight years immensely and want to continue my work for our community. Hopefully, this blog will be another way that my constituents can keep informed about my work for them in Cardiff and in Westminster.

Posted by timireland on May 10, 2005 2:03 PM in the category Blogs: MPs (Labour)


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