You won't care.The Political Weblog Project is a collaborative effort designed to encourage MPs, Councillors and other elected officials to communicate more effectively online via the intelligent use of weblogs. Elected officials who wish to take part in this scheme must follow these simple rules that exist primarily for your own benefit:

Rule #1 - You must own (or be ready to purchase) your own domain name.
Rule #2 - You must use the technology to engage in two-way commmunication
Rule #3 - You must fund/source the weblog with your own money or resources.

Those who pledge to follow these rules will be provided with all the necessary assets and expertise at an extremely competitive rate.

What is a weblog?  |  Why two-way communication?  |  Why do I need my own domain?

More politicians need to be using weblogs properly. Maybe you can help.

Main Page
Starting and Running a Political Weblog
Information for Councillors
Information for Members of Parliament
Information for Cabinet Members


manic AT bloggerheads DOT com

If you click on any of the 'Blogs' categories below, you will find that these entries have been individually backdated to correspond with the launch date of the blog that entry references (in order to provide a categorised and sequential history of these blogs).

 Blogs: All (31)
 Blogs: Campaign (2)
 Blogs: Councillors (Labour) (1)
 Blogs: House of Lords (1)
 Blogs: MPs (Conservative) (1)
 Blogs: MPs (Labour) (5)
 Blogs: MPs (Liberal Democrat) (2)
 Blogs: Proxies (20)
 Designers and Providers (4)
 Education and Seminars (2)
 Fighting Ignorance (6)
 General (1)
 News (2)

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November 25, 2005

Special Event - MPs and Weblogs Seminar

MPs and Weblogs: building (and benefiting from) an online support network

Room P (Portcullis House) - Tuesday 13th December 2005, 6-8pm

Only 18 seats are available for this event. We would ask that MPs themselves attend (i.e. not their staff/researchers).

IMPORTANT UPDATE - Given the circumstances (there are a number of competing events on this date, including the Labour Party Xmas booze-up) we can understand why MPs would wish to send a member of staff in their place. You're welcome to do so... but the booze-up will be much more fun if you walk through the door with this under your belt. :o)

This a special seminar designed to show MPs the potential benefits and pitfalls of engaging with the community using weblog technology. The primary focus will be cultural forces that drive weblogs and web use, not web and weblog technology itself.

The seminar will be conducted by Tim Ireland using a straightforward PowerPoint presentation. There will be little-to-no need to take notes, as a 12-page handout of the presentation contents will be provided.

The seminar is suitable for MPs with little-to-no technology experience and even MPs that already have their own websites will find it illuminating.

Seminar contents:
- Search engines and how they work
- Weblogs and how they work
- The effect of weblogs on search engines
- Risks of self-publication
- Risks of two-way communication
- The risk of doing nothing
- Executive summary (and the importance of building an online community)

The primary presentation is expected to run for 60-90 minutes, leaving ample time for questions.

This seminar has been made possible by the kind co-operation of the office of Boris Johnson.


If you wish to let your MP know about this event:

Simply contact your MP (via if you wish), advise them that you would support their effort to communicate in this way, and send them a link to this post:


Posted by timireland on November 25, 2005 11:30 AM in the category Education and Seminars