Britain owes the US… and we’re not talking gratitude here

This entry was posted on
Friday, December 10th, 2004
9:06 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs.

Today in The Sun, Page 3 girl Nicola T (22, from Croydon) thinks people are too keen to forget the help given to Britain by the US. She says: “People are too quick to condemn America. We’re indebted to them for the help they gave us in the war. Imagine if they had decided not to support us.”

She’s a smart girl, that one.

Yes, we owe a great debt to the US. And we’re still paying it.

This very month we’re due to pay US$145million. Next year we’re paying US$142million against the debt. But the end is in sight. In Dec 2006, we make the final payment of US$83 million. Sixty-plus years after the close of WWII.

(This source presents the debt in context and provides two Hansard links.)

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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