This entry was posted on
Wednesday, April 20th, 2005 at
11:19 pm and is filed
under Rupert ‘The Evil One’ Murdoch.
I wonder what that nice Mr Murdoch demanded got in return?
It’s W.A.R. on Rock The Vote UK from tomorrow, folks. Plus a major event from BB. I may take some time to write it up, but it’s a-comin’
UPDATE – Guido’s view; succinct as always.
Here’s some background if you need it.
UPDATE 2 – The Scum have buried Rock The Vote UK in the dead-zone of Page 2 today. Perhaps they figured that a big ‘campaign for votes’ feature alongside this ‘change’ in thinking would be a little *too* obvious. I’m also waiting to hear more from the good peeps at the original Rock The Vote. Big BB thing still being discussed.
By thenickster April 21, 2005 - 10:24 am
OK…So what do we do now…We know who to vote for (by a strange quirk of fate I’m not even voting in my consituency), you’ve possibly been on the telly (haven’t seen the item yet, was it pushed out by the the new ex-nazi pope?) what is the next idea for BackingBlair. As we didn’t have a meeting this week do we have anything we can do to increase awareness (the artice you wrote on the BB site puts our position quite succinctly now). On the Murdoch front, bit of a “are you thinking…” moment on that, maybe now Berlosconi looks like he’s going in Italy Murdoch thinks a left of centre government will accept advances better from Labour than the tories…
By Manic April 21, 2005 - 10:29 am
Yes, the item got shunted because of the new Pope, and they certainly weren’t going to use it last night (i.e. right after interviewing Blair). IT may be on tonight, but – as with missing persons – as each day goes by, hope dwindles.Bear with me for ‘next’… we’re finalising something very special.
By Guy Gooberman April 21, 2005 - 11:30 am
The ideas of Backing Blair are needed now more than ever, I’m so frustrated with all those people who believed this election would be tight and the fact that the Sun has come out for Blair must prove that a protest vote is needed?
By Simon Maxwell April 21, 2005 - 12:01 pm
The hypocrisy of the Sun never ceases to amaze me. After many months of slamming Blair for virtually all his policies (apart from his illegal invasion of Iraq, of course), the Sun now backs him in the election. I suppose I shouldn’t really be surprised though.Thinking about this election makes me thoroughly depressed. Blair is going to get away with his invasion of Iraq and infringement of civil liberties. I would love to see a hung parliament, but I doubt that’ll happen, and so I’m hoping that Blair will be re-elected with a really small majority (about ten seats, say).
By thenicksterthinks April 21, 2005 - 12:21 pm
Where Shall We Go Today Children?
OK, I’ve been neglecting you, but today I’ll try to get back to form (well, posting anyway, form suggests content …
By irritant April 21, 2005 - 5:02 pm
Personally I’m more sickened by the ways The Guardian has been mindlessly backing Blair in the last couple of months.
By Manic April 21, 2005 - 5:38 pm