This entry was posted on
Friday, June 3rd, 2005 at
11:57 am and is filed
under Page 3 – News in Briefs.
Today Page 3 lovely Louise (19, from Manchester) thinks we should be given a chance to reject “the hated EU treaty” and adds: “Tony Blair promised us a referendum. Most Brits would jump at the chance to go to the polls and say No.”
The Scum says: It’s plain to see why Tony Blair doesn’t want to call a referendum. The Sun’s poll on the European constitution proves beyond doubt that Blair would lose by a mile. Of those people who have made up their minds, 72 per cent would vote No and only 28 per cent Yes. Just like the French and the Dutch, the people of Britain know a pig in a poke when they see one. Not that the eurocrats see it that way. Neil Kinnock, who never lets his rejection by the British people hinder his desire to lecture them, whinges that the votes in France and Holland were a triumph for ignorance. He says voters had not been properly informed about the benefits of the European masterplan so they voted the wrong way. What overweening arrogance. Kinnock shows why an elite and aloof Brussels will never be trusted.
(holds head in hands)