Chat amongst ourselves

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Tuesday, June 28th, 2005
9:53 am and is filed
under George W. Bush.

Associated Press – Friday 08 October 2004: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights voted Friday to wait until after next month’s election to discuss a report critical of the Bush administration’s civil rights record. Republican members had objected to the report’s timing. The report remains posted on the commission’s Web site, however, despite objections from GOP commissioners who sought to get it removed.

Guardian – Thursday October 21, 2004: Passing almost without notice earlier this month, the public release of The Civil Rights Record of the George W Bush Administration – the official staff report prepared by the US Civil Rights Commission – whose submission is required by federal law, was blocked by the Republican commissioners. None the less, it was posted on the commission’s website: “This report finds that President Bush has neither exhibited leadership on pressing civil rights issues, nor taken actions that matched his words.”

Take a second look at that damning phrase from the Executive Summary of this report, entitled; Redefining Rights in America, The Civil Rights Record of the George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2004

“This report finds that President Bush has neither exhibited leadership on pressing civil rights issues, nor taken actions that matched his words.”

Now enter it into Google. What do you see?

Blog, newspaper, blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, newspaper, blog, blog, blog, blog, newspaper, blog, blog, blog, blog. So much for empowerment.

Somewhere amongst all of that you would probably expect to see the promised discussion, but I’ll be damned if I can find it. And on January 7 2005, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights removed this draft report from their website, along with a whole bunch of others. You can see those reports here.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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