Taking a break (so I can do more work)

This entry was posted on
Friday, August 19th, 2005
2:08 pm and is filed
under The War on Stupid, Updates, Uzbekistan.

Bloggerheads is shutting down for two weeks so I can focus on The Political Weblog Project.

When I return on Friday Thursday September 1st, we’re all going to have a little chat about Uzbekistan.

Here’s a new Flash music video to help you spread the word:
Uzbekistan in 20 Seconds

UPDATE – Oh, but I will be in action this Monday 22nd August. This marks a month from Jean de Menezes’ murder and at 6pm there will be a demonstration outside Downing St, calling for the sacking of Ian Blair and demanding a public inquiry. Numbers will count for a lot here, folks. We’ve let too much slip by lately. Considering that I won’t be bugging you for another two weeks is it really so much to ask that you drop by Downing St after work and stand up for what’s right?

Cheers all.

UPDATE (22 Aug) – Final poster here. Seen in action here. About 400 people turned up, by my reckoning.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
This entry was posted in The War on Stupid, Updates, Uzbekistan. Bookmark the permalink.

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