Liberty and Peace March – this Saturday

This entry was posted on
Friday, September 23rd, 2005
7:11 pm and is filed
under The War on Stupid.

no more excusesDemonstration, Saturday September 24
Assemble 12 noon – Parliament Square
March begins 1pm
Rally in Hyde Park follows

More info (and maps) at

I’ll be the fella handing these out —>

Also, do keep an eye out for those charming police photographers, who only wish to document your presence at such events in order to protect you from extremist elements. Or something.

UPDATE – Some light reading to get your blood up:

UPDATE (26 Sep) – Not only did we hand out over 200 posters, we also distributed over 400 pamphlets for The Whisper Campaign (confident as we were that we would be unlikely to encounter a devout reader of the Sun, Daily Mail or Express on the march).

The ‘we’ includes me and my eldest son (now 10) who came along and enjoyed his first demonstration (see pic below; taken just as police closed the roads around Westminster).

Handing out posters in Westminster

The highlight of the day for me was during the build-up to the march, as people on the way to the assembly area mixed with those taking part in the Weekend to Breakthrough Breast Cancer walk on a very busy pavement at the corner of Bridge St and Parliament St.

One cancer-walking woman made this haughty remark (at volume) as she passed by;

“Well, (*harumph*), at least we have something important to do!”

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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