Now Ian Blair wants a ‘debate’

This entry was posted on
Thursday, November 17th, 2005
10:57 am and is filed
under The War on Stupid.

My Way Of Thinking – A debate on policing: This is all about Sir Ian Blair crying because he couldn’t scare all of the people all the time… A public debate will merely involve the police putting their case to the rightwing press of the options they desire. This will not involve a Q&A session where ordinary people can speak, and I doubt suggestions be entertained that involve the word accountability, something I believe is sadly lacking in Sir Ian’s department.

Chicken Yoghurt – Ill met by moonlight: Does Sir Ian Blair, Metropolitan Police commissioner, have any time to do any actual, y’know, policing? Is this his job? What he’s paid to do? I, and others, would argue that it is not.

BlairWatch – Ian Blair Calls for National Debate on Policing: We agree, but not with him…: Indeed, and we also need to have that debate after the state sanctioned execution of an innocent Brazilian, who was doing nothing more than minding his own business on the tube.

Oooh… look where we are. Another public figure who cannot even begin to approach his job properly because he’s refused to be held accountable for shocking strategic failures and blatant attempts to manipulate the public with misinformation.

You want extra powers? You want us to trust you? Show us some accountability.

While we’re here, here is some news…

Telegraph – Police used ‘dum dum’ bullets to kill de Menezes: The Brazilian man shot dead by police in the mistaken belief that he was a suicide bomber was killed with a type of bullet banned in warfare under international convention, The Daily Telegraph has learned. The firing of hollow point ammunition into the head of Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, is believed to be the first use of the bullets by British police… There is no legal prohibition on police use of such ammunition. The Home Office confirmed last night that “chief officers may use whatever ammunition they consider appropriate to meet their operational needs”.

How about white phosphorus, then? I hear it has a powerful psychological effect.

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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