God bless you, Major Joe Lazzari

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Tuesday, January 10th, 2006
11:35 am and is filed
under It’s War! It’s Legal! It’s Lovely!.

Immediately following last night’s docu-drama, Iraq: Why We Went To War, More 4 screened an edition of Unreported World entitled; Iraq: On the Front Line, where reporter Peter Oborne accompanied a patrol under the command of Major Joe Lazzari.

Joe had this to say to the elders of a village suspected of harbouring insurgents:

“You need to take responsibility. If you have ideas or problems, you must bring them to the council. If you don’t like the council, then you should run for the council. If you don’t trust them, then the next time you have elections, you can vote for new representatives. That’s how democracy works.”

No, Joe; that’s how democracy works in theory…. but let’s move on the the next village, where Major Joe Lazzari was informed by an elder there that – even if he did have cause to report suspected insurgent activity – he would be unable to do so because the mobile (i.e. only) phone system was so hopeless.

Joe offered him the following advice:

“In America, we pay for the telephone service. We have choices for our telephone systems, so that puts you – as a consumer – in charge. That’s what you have to get to is capitalism, (it) gives you choices. I don’t like my telephone company; I switch!”

Ah, yes… choice. It’s a fine thing, indeed.

BTW, I Googled Joe and just managed to catch a letter from him to the folks at home (Google cache), as passed on to the Williams Grove Speedway Forums on Tuesday August 16, 2005 by ‘Chip’, who says: Attached is the latest letter from Iraq, from Marci’s cousin, Maj. Joe Lazzari. Sometimes, his letters are NOT for distribution, and he will tell us so. In those cases, they do not go beyond the intended recipient. He’s a West Pointer, and knows very well what can (and cannot) be told to the general public. So, his e-mails never contain “sensitive” info.

1. Well, what do you know? Joseph Paul Lazzari *is* one of America’s ‘best and brightest’ (West Point – Class of 1992).

2. As this letter is intended for distribution, and the bulk of its content is clearly aimed at us misguided liberals, I’ve taken the liberty of archiving it here at Bloggerheads. Enjoy.

UPDATE – Two relevant links for you:
Senate GOP plans Iraq PR blitz
New U.S. Army PR Bypasses MSM – miltary blogs to distribute ‘good news’ about Iraq

Family and Friends,I continue to learn so much everyday and while this is truly a challenge for me and my family; I believe this will be a life changing event.If you want more information about what my unit is doing, you can Google “Operation Sunrise” (We are TF 1-10 FA. We are a part of 3rd BDE, 3rd ID. We are in Ba’Qubah; which is in the province of Diyala – to help your search).Salutations from the war. My guess is that the American people have been reminded (unfortunately) that this is war. The month of July and early August have been brutal (in the context of my experiences here), especially for the US Marines. Attacks in our area are up, but the injuries have been minimal – Thank God.The election/referendum cycle is in full swing. Right now, we are in the registration phase (the month of Aug), while the leaders in Baghdad put the final touches on the Constitution (due out on 15 Aug). I’m amazed that in two years the Iraqi people have gone from “never having democracy” to the drafting of a Constitution. The sad part is that the average Iraqi person does not really understand what is going on. My take is there is a lack of communication and perspective on nationalism:Many Iraqis can’t read or don’t have electricity. So newspapers fall short of informing the people. Many have TVs, but no electricity (or only for a few hours a day – so they cook or pump water instead of watching TV). They are tied to their neighborhoods, instead of the city or the Province or even Iraq (similar to the US in 1775 – you heard people refer to themselves as Bostonians or maybe a Virginian, but never an American). When an Iraqi tells me that “there were foreigners in his neighborhood”, he’s talking about someone from 2 miles away, not necessarily a Syrian.Because the country of Iraq was created by the British after WWI (they took 3 Ottoman areas and combined them into Iraq) and then the Coup of 1958 put the Ba’ath’s in power, almost no one in this country remembers self rule. Baghdad continues to be the central power (they determine bank rates, distribute food rations, determine budget allocations for the Provinces, etc.) and the people don’t know what authority they have and don’t have. So they assume that Baghdad has the “answer”.So they are “stuck”. They want freedom, but are used to “Daddy Baghdad” taking care of them (even though Saddam was cruel, he was responsible for “providing”). They hate Saddam, but they still need TLC from Baghdad. Like sending the 18 year old to College. He wants the freedom, but inevitably after a month he needs mom to wash his clothes or send more money. We are truly in a transition period. The Coalition is giving more and more responsibility to the Iraqis (especially the Police and Army). We are really “hands off” when it comes to their Gov’t. We are in the back of the room and “behind closed doors” – advising, but not making decisions. My Task Force works with the Mayor of Ba’Qubah a lot.Personally, I’ve been working on the “gap”. I call the “gap” the area between the neighborhood leadership (called Muqtars) and the elected leadership. I want to fill the communication gap, develop cross talk between the neighborhoods, and create a link between the people and their elected leadership. Not an easy task, but there is a real chasm that needs attention. So a lot of my time has been spent convincing my US leadership that this is a legitimate mission and finding “civic leaders” within the community to “step up” – that will continue for some time. (For Mom – this means less time on the streets and more time in buildings for meetings). (For Joseph – this means less pictures of arrested bad guys).I’m excited for school to start. I got here right after schools let out so I haven’t had a chance to spend much time in the schools with the kids. They are the saving grace for me; especially the younger ones. Pretty little girls with smiles that go from ear to ear (like Katy’s). They have really big eyes and I can’t help but think how lucky I am to be a father in America; not having to worry about all the challenges these people have. The boys are just like our children, too. They dance in the street, wrestle, and love to play with sticks. (At times, I can imagine them at the playground in Emerson) I wish I could bring them all home. I’m not smart enough to figure out when they become terrorists or how it happens. It’s not in the K-12 school system, because they only go to school for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. There’s just not enough time to develop the hatred that we see.There’s tremendous progress everyday. This is a critical time for Iraq and the Middle East (especially when you factor in the events in Israel right now). Please keep the Coalition soldiers and Middle Eastern leaders in your prayers. We all have a historic mission that we will tell our children and grand children about it in the near future. History books will tell the story of “Baby Boomers and Gen Xers” changing the Middle East and the World – I am sure. I would never compare our efforts to that of the Greatest Generation (WWII), or the Civil War, or the War of Independence, but this is clearly an opportunity for historic change that may only be appreciated in 10 – 20 years (being on the ground is a true honor for me). I’m sure that MAJ’s in Germany in the late 40’s and early 50’s had no concept of their contribution to World history, but now recognize in their “later years” how important those times were. So put the CNN reports in perspective. Understand that ALL OF OUR sacrifices today will mean a safer tomorrow (for the U.S. and the World). Yes, the monetary commitment is high. Yes, one dead or injured soldier is too many. But the future of our nation and the world requires commitment and sacrifice. John Hancock (and other great men and woman) understood this in the 1770’s when he chose to keep his name on the Declaration of Indepdence (by doing so, he sentenced his two sons to death at the hands of the King – Google him to get the details). Fortunately, we are not forced to make such difficult decisions. I drink chi (tea) and eat with former soldiers of the Iraq/Iran War and Dessert Storm wars who tell amazing stories of the Iraq left behind by the rest of the world. They are grateful for the US, even though they lost their sons and limbs to us on the battlefield. They know what their sacrifice means to the rest of their family and the future of their fledgling democracy.Just in for you Liberals (we love you, but we love to say “told you so”) – we just caught an Al Queda (sp?) leader in Ba’Qubah. We just saw an Al Queda version of an Iraq Constitution that they are distributing in Ba’Qubah. We have information that Iranians are in Ba’Qubah, trying to subvert the elections. A large % of the terrorists we catch/kill are not Iraqi. Say it with me, “The US’s involvement in GWOT continues to be a success and Iraq is the center of gravity for world terrorist organizations”. C’mon, say it.By the way, all of you suck (except Phillip Shearer). I need updates on the Skins and politics. I have no idea what is going on with either. ****, for all I know Chandra Levy is back in the news. Are there mid term elections in MD this fall? I saw a news report (couldn’t hear it) that showed gas at over $3/gallon. What the **** is going on – shoot the caribou, feed the poor, give work to the unemployed from WV and start drilling in AK; oh, and give fuel cell research another $B to make the Libs happy. I leave the country for a couple of months and all **** breaks lose. Let me guess, we actually have an “adopt a liberal” law now that assigns a liberal to a conservative an we just give them a check when they come to our door – that’s my understanding of what VP Gore wanted to do to “stream line” govt in the mid 90’s. Ok – off my soap box. All this is in jest (except the GWOT stuff) and I’m happy to “get, as well as I give”.Give Katy, Joseph, and Mia a big kiss and hug from me!Humbly Serving,Joseph Paul

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. The title seems to praise Major Lazzari for his sacrifice and candor, yet your tone seems spiteful. Which is it? It's obvious that you, as a self-proclaimed "liberal", are against the war in Iraq. Therefore, I'll assume your intent was to villify Major Lazzari, and the cause for which he stands.Does it surprise you that your investigation has proven that U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq actually "practice what they preach"? Were you expecting to find that Maj. Lazzari did NOT believe in the cause for which he risked his life? Or, perhaps you were trying to make the ridiculous implication that Maj. Lazzari was not aware that the Iraqi Cellular market is not yet a truly free one, as written in the linked article? The analogy he used when speaking with the Iraqi civilian was obviously less about communications technology, and more about the general principles of Democracy and self-government. You do realize that, don't you?So, I'd really like to know...exactly what point are you trying to make by triumphantly publishing a personal letter from Major Lazzari to his friends and family, and trying to contrast it, out of context, with statements he made in the field?Sincerely,"Chip"Baltimore, MD, USA
Dear "Chip",I apologise for confusing you. Allow me to clarify a couple of things and spell out exactly where I'm coming from:1. Major Joe Lazzari's words, and the circumstances in which he spoke them, are presented in context.2. The letter - which you yourself made clear on the Williams Grove Speedway Forums - was clearly intended for distribution, and adds to this context as it shows the firm beliefs of the man who spoke these words.3. The last word I leave to a man who is known to "practice what he preaches", George W Bush:http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/05/2..."Like every nation that has made the journey to democracy, Iraqis will raise up a government that reflects their own culture and values. I sent American troops to Iraq to defend our security, not to stay as an occupying power. I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American."CheersPS - Joe's a big boy. I'm sure he's able to - in his words - get, as well as he gives.
Dear Manic,Forgive me for being so dense, but I STILL don't get your point. But, first, let's clarify a few things: The letter you've posted was NOT posted by me at that forum. I was one of the recipients of the original letter (family & friends), but I do NOT know who "SeaBass" is, and I'm not familiar with Williams Grove Speedway. I say this to show that the letter has taken a bit of a diversion from it's intended audience. However, the message Joe sent out is his true sentiment, and I (and many, many others) applaud him for it. There's nothing in this letter for Major Lazzari to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it clearly demonstrates the deep belief in the mission which he holds, and illustrates his commitment to it and it's ultimate success. If I were a U.S. Soldier, I'd want just such a man as a commander.When I say that his comments were taken out of context, I'm referring to his letter, not the transcript of the TV show you refer to. Since the letter was NOT written to you, or in response to your blog comments, I find it obvious that they are, therefore, out of context in this particular situation. However, they DO clearly express the feelings of one of "America's Best" about the mission in Iraq. You'd have to consult some of your own boys for their opinions on the mission.Whether or not we agree on the relevance of Major Lazzari's letter to your blog, it does clearly show "his firm beliefs" as you put it. In my book, that's a GOOD thing. However, I take issue with your tone of ridicule of Joe, regarding his comments to the Iraqi civilians.Joe represents one of America's "Best & Brightest" by your own admission. He's successfully completed one of the world's most demanding and rigorous mental and physical challenges, and now holds a position of rank and great responsibility with the U.S. Army in a very dangerous situation. I think this entitles him to a degree of respect, which seems lacking in your commentary.If you had actually spoken with Major Lazzari, you'd find him to be a thoughtful and dedicated man. You'd most likely also learn what it's REALLY like to serve in Iraq.Forunately for you and I, we can sit in relative safety and discuss the matter in broader terms. But for the men and women who are serving in Iraq, there's a long way to go before they can criticize the state of The Iraqi Cellular Telecommunications industry, or any other, for that matter. The Iraqi people must learn to DO things for themselves, in order to function in any type of society other than a dictatorship. I think THIS is Major Lazzari's point...although I will not presume to speak for him.As I see it, the Iraqi people need to understand that the U.S. does not simply wish to have replaced Saddam Hussein as their omnipotent provider. They must grasp the fact that their destiny is in their own hands, and that they must begin to take responsibility for their own welfare, govenment and infrastructure. Can this be done NOW? Absolutely not! There's a LOT of work to be done before the country is ready for autonomous rule. To pull out of Iraq now would be to invite chaos and civil war.However, WE must look at things from the Iraqi People's perspective, too. It's been decades since they have known anything other than the absolute rule of a ruthless dictator. They must first get used to the CONCEPT of self-rule, before we can expect to see positive amd long-lasting results. To me, it's this point that Major Lazzari was trying to make to both of those Iraqi's, on a level which they could understand and which could be shown to apply to them.Many Iraqi's are now only concerned with their own personal welfare (understandable), and cannot even begin to worry about the broader political and economic future of their country. But, our military personnel (yours and ours) cannot ignore either picture, large or small. They must work on the establishment of a functioning government, keep peace between long-warring factions, establish an economy, AND teach the Iraqi people what it means to govern themselves! Admittedly, it's a very volatile situation, and there are many who work diligently to counter these efforts and inspire mistrust.What you have seen in Major Lazzari is a man who understands (far better than I) what is at stake, and what forces must be dealt with. You have seen him interacting with two simple Iraqi civilians on an Iraqi street, and attempting to work on the problem from a grass-roots level. From what I've read here, You have NOT seen him in his dealings with Iraqi Government Officials, Iraqi Police officals, or Iraqi Army Officers. I'm sure the converstaions on those levels are far more complex and far-reaching than those had with individual civilians.So, while I may have failed to grasp your point, I must also apologize for taking so long to reach mine: Very simply, When I learned of your having posted Joe's letter, I felt a degree of responsibility for having forwarded it to a friend, and wanted to be sure that it was not being misconstrued. Joe is indeed very able to "give as well as he gets", and my words here are most certainly unnecessary. However, I could not stand by and watch one of his letters being used to forward someone else's agenda, much less used in a sarcastic manner. If you want to open a dialog with Joe, or any other servicemembers, I'd highly encourage it. That way, the spirit of open debate and exchange of ideas can be exploited to its greatest potential, and you can truly see things both sides of an issue.Sincerely,"Chip"Baltimore, MD, USA
Dear "Chip",OK, the letter was forwarded by you then posted by Sea Bass. Gotcha. Glad we corrected that.After you got over making your case for a better and brighter Iraq, you did finally make your point, which seems to be as follows:"Joe is 'give as well as he gets', BUT..."But?In his letter, Joe seeks to address a liberal audience. He's reached one. I fail to see the problem.Yes, perhaps if I had actually spoken with Major Lazzari, I'd find him to be a thoughtful and dedicated man... but I have not questioned his sincerity or dedication.Still, if you think we would both benefit from an 'open debate and exchange of ideas', I'd be more than happy to kick things off. Feel free to either send him my contact details or send me his.Cheers.
I don't really have anything more to say, Manic. It seems we both have a tough time getting each other's points, so I'll leave it at that.Chip

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