Admit it; it’s over

This entry was posted on
Tuesday, April 4th, 2006
8:34 am and is filed
under Tony ‘King Blair.

Front page of a Murdoch newspaper two days before the local election campaign launch; what else is there to say?

The Times – Voters tell Blair it’s time to go: Most of Britain’s voters believe that Tony Blair has run out of steam and is destined to achieve little more as Prime Minister, an opinion poll for The Times finds today. The Populus survey suggests a growing polarisation about Mr Blair’s future. It underlines the impatience of the electorate at large about his performance after weeks of turmoil over the loans-for-peerages row. But among Labour supporters there is increasing support for Mr Blair’s strategy of staying on for the foreseeable future.

The latter group should be warned that their support for Blair – if it continues over the next few weeks – is going to cost Labour dearly.

Back to the building…

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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The worm has most definitely turned. Did you see the Screws poll on Sunday?"You say it's time for Blair to leave -NEARLY half the country's voters want Tony Blair out of Downing Street...NOW!"Ouch.
I most certainly did... and I archived a copy here:
Ah yes, sorry. Notwats had got lost in the murkier depths of my feed reader.
I don't want to sound like a miserable killjoy (for a change!) but if you read the poll carefully it says that with Labour voters TB's popularity has actually increased.If you observe both the Guardian and the Mirror, they both play down "bad news" stories, position them away from the first few pages, give them less column inches or some combination of the three. I swear Tim, there's no use targeting Murdoch readers. If you read The Times and even The Sun carefully over the last few months he has gradually shifted away from TB but so far he hasn't opted for anyone else. Commentariat aside, like I said earlier the Grauniad is still playing down bad news but the Mirror is *literally* burying everything that could remotely undermine TB. Tim check it out for yourself. If you really want to make an inroads to the Labour vote, shift your emphasis away from attacking Murdoch and start pointing out how the Mirror is burying bad news.Incidentally the best detailed reporting on how Labour is buggering up the NHS is by Nicholas Timmins in the FT. Check the two articles he did in Monday's edition.
Incidentally I thought you would be interested in this British Library item that Bev pointed out to me earlier. It's a Public Information Film titled How To Vote At A General Election:
Cheers, irritant.I find it very intersting that the headline has been carved in this way, when it could just as easily been carved another... and I'm not trying to reach Murdoch readers (ate leats - not in this case). I'm merely pointing out to the nervous nellies that Blair no longer has this wind up his arse.

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