This entry was posted on
Friday, September 1st, 2006 at
1:47 pm and is filed
under George W. Bush.
Mirror – Bush Whacked: Fury as Dubya ‘assassinated’ by C4: A hard-hitting British TV drama that shows President Bush assassinated by a terrorist sniper sparked outrage last night… John Beyer of TV watchdog MediaWatch said the drama was irresponsible and could even spark a real-life assassination attempt. He added: “There’s a lot of feeling against President Bush and this may well put ideas into people’s heads.” And Mr Beyer issued a stark warning to Channel 4 bosses, saying: “If something happens as a consequence of this film, then blood is on their hands. Film-makers must understand how much power the media has. For that reason, the film should not be screened.” (via)
As you might expect, Media Watch Watch has a comment on the John Beyer comment.
My views on this kind of thing are clear:
Bloggerheads – October 2003: While Bush’s mouthpiece Ari Fleischer may see fit to flout US law prohibiting the assassination of foreign leaders by dropping less-than-subtle hints, you should not under any circumstances attempt to pierce George W. Bush’s brain with a bullet. It’s not only a close-to-impossible shot, it’s a very silly thing to do.
But I want to know where the hell John Beyer was when I needed publicity for this little number.
Related Links:
Guardian – More4 risks US ire with Bush assassination film
Ms Underestimated – What About A New Bush Assassination Movie? (VIDEO)
By Steven Smith September 1, 2006 - 2:13 pm
If I’m not mistaken one of the biggest TV shows in the US is ’24’. The 1st series features the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate and the second a nuclear bomb placed in Los Angeles. I’m sure the rest of that show features various terrorist plots but that isn’t a problem.If it really is a problem I want every detective show removed from TV since it obviously provides a blueprint for murderers to carry out their nefarious deeds.
By Jherad September 2, 2006 - 1:47 am
Right, but ’24’ carries important messages from the almighty Fox.Like, ‘Torture is not always bad’.
By Manic September 2, 2006 - 1:49 am
(sings)There is always… a ticking time bomb…