Please. Watch. This.

This entry was posted on
Friday, September 15th, 2006
4:02 pm and is filed
under Christ….

If you really want to understand the dangers of religious extremism, I urge you to watch the following programme (links in the review are mine)…

The Doomsday Code – 7:00pm – Saturday 16 September – Channel 4

Radio Times (David Butcher):

Tony Robinson is more of a deep thinker than you might guess, and here he brings us a rollicking story about a strain of evangelical Christianity that takes the Book of Revelation literally: the so-called “End-Timers”. Put crudely, End-Timers believe that the apocalypse is coming, and they wield considerable (and worrying) political clout in the USA. We see a string of preachers from the American South (all steel-haired white men with booming voices) whose crackpot jumble of beliefs may well appal moderate Christians as much as atheists. Broadly, their agenda is to pour petrol on the flames of Middle Eastern politics, dilute the USA’s will to combat global warming and foster hostility to the UN. It’s an alarming and incendiary package, to say the least. And before you write to complain that I’m biased in some way, spend two hours watching this shrewd, far-reaching film.

In fact, I urge you to tape it so you can have a copy to share with those in need of enlightenment.

UPDATE – A quick related link for you… ABC News – Film Shows Youths Training to Fight for Jesus (alt. video link here)

Oh, and you’re sure to enjoy Creationism Explained… using a soda can and a banana (link via).

About Tim Ireland

Tim is the sole author of Bloggerheads.
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