This entry was posted on
Friday, June 22nd, 2007 at
3:03 pm and is filed
under Photoshopping.
Emap: After some phone-chasing today, I found out that I’ve been passed straight over to their lawyers. How lovely.
What are the odds, do you think, of the lawyers’ fee being more than what I’m asking for my picture?
By Matt Wardman June 23, 2007 - 1:02 am
Interesting. This is what my about page says:"Part of an article may be quoted on others' websites provided that they are used in context as part of a larger article, and that a link to the original is included.Articles reproduced in their entirety, with or without acknowledgement, or material used as the substantive portion of an article on another website, are subject to a use fee. The minimum fee for one off use of an article £125 or $250. This fee is repeated annually unless a different arrangement is agreed in writing first."Never expect to use it, but it's there with all the policies and permissions stuff.